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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Honestly, get outta London. There's some cool things to do there but mostly it's an insanely overpriced tourist trap. If you want to go there and spend shittons of money on haute couture, that's cool. I'd suggest heading up to Scotland or to Ireland if you want to soak up some real culture. Bring comfy shoes, you'll be walking a lot. Have a dummy wallet with some BS membership/expired cards to fool pickpockets. Carry only the essentials in your real wallet; have a phone card with some money on it, a CC (Capital One has no international transaction fees IIRC), ID, and a little cash. Always have a little cash just in case. Don't wear shorts unless you want to stick out like a sore thumb. Know that typical English food = curry. Do at least one Michelin rated restaurant experience. My sis said Restaurant Gordon Ramsay was amazing but she was working for him at the time so she's biased, and Alain Ducasse's namesake restaurant is also a 3-star experience and he's one of the best chefs in the world. Of all the touristy things you might do, definitely go to The British Museum. Lot of human history and culturally relevant things there, I thought it was actually really cool. Travel is best accomplished by train, it's quite comfortable. I'll update as I think of things. OH if you're not going to be traveling and would rather just stay in London, look into AirBnb or some other service to rent an apartment for a week. Way better way to immerse yourself in the city. That way if there's a day or two you'd like to skip tourist things and just get some fresh bread/cheese/meats and stay in, it's in a nicer environment than a hotel room. Source: my own travels, my sister lived there for a year, best friend's gf just returned from a 2-year work assignment.
  2. It's not just about running red lights. I've seen people get rear ended because they got freaked out by the flash.
  3. Considering the guy had probably thousands of jumps under his belt before he bit it, I would tend to agree. Just trolling.
  4. When I was a kid my across-the-street neighbor was a divemaster. One day he didn't come home from work. My advice is whatever he did (or didn't) do, do the opposite.
  5. I'll nip this in the bud. The correct answer is 288 OR 2. Not 2. Because the operation is written ambiguously, both answers are correct. To get a single answer, it should be written (48/2)(9+3) or 48/(2(9+3)).
  6. According to my buddy who had a Nexus 5 for a while and just got an LG G2 when the Nexus died, you do NOT want the Nexus 5. Purely anecdotal but just wanted to share an experience.
  7. It's possible, I only read about red light ones though. Hopefully you're right.
  8. Was it this one: http://www.benzboost.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18103&d=1339787451 According to some forum posts he screwed that guy out of some money. All hearsay coming from me though, I just read the one thread.
  9. One has to wonder if they've planned this; seems waaaay too quick to make such a judgement.
  10. They're not gone for good, the law just says that any red light camera issuing citations has to be staffed by a police officer 24/7. Since, you know, in this country we have the basic right to face our accuser in a court of law. City of Columbus is challenging the law, so they're leaving the cameras up there in the hopes that it goes back to the money-grubbing way it was. EDIT This all goes into effect 3/23.
  11. http://wosu.org/2012/news/2015/03/11/red-light-cameras-turned-march-23/ Right angle crashes down, rear enders up. They can make the stats say anything they want, but at the end of the day the fact that the city is joining a lawsuit against something voters want signify just how much of a money grab this is. Fuck RTS, and any other company that bribes cities to allow them to extort citizens in the name of safety.
  12. I found a name associated with them, Andrew Cluck. http://www.benzboost.com/content.php?3505-The-final-nail-in-the-MHP-(Modern-Horsepower-Andrew-Cluck)-tuner-coffin-MHP-business-done-MHP-M156-63-AMG-records-actually-belong-to-another-tuner Who knows if the story's true or not, but every tuner community has a guy like this who passes off someone else's work as their own. Seems like it'd be best to steer clear.
  13. I like him but the show's lost its character in recent years. Won't be a huge loss if it disappears.
  14. SOLD thanks for whoever sent the referral to me, you know who you are.
  15. BUMP We've got some beautiful bike riding weather coming! If you have a hardtail decent MTB and some cash let's make a deal!
  16. Good to meet you too! Hope you enjoy them. Listing updated, Invictas are gone but Nixon and Fossil still available.
  17. I wonder if there'd be police stations willing to allow use of their parking lots for such a transaction. Maybe call a non-emergency number and ask? I'm sure there's drawbacks but it's just a thought, hopefully to provoke some good discussion.
  18. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/077/988/my_body_is_ready.png
  19. Based on the price position of the Civic Si it's fair to say that ugly pile of sin would start beyond the $30k mark if it does indeed make it to the U.S. Meaning it'd be way out of it's league in a price point comparison.
  20. You, sir, are the best kind of car shopper. Can't always do business with you, but at least you give a reasonable justification for asking for a discount.
  21. so look at the non-edge version? only thing Nexus6 has going for it is pure Android L, other than that it's already behind the curve.
  22. Not having SD is my biggest concern. I think it'll be my next phone assuming it's not insanely expensive.
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