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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Could still result in a broken window; I had POS project car a long time ago that had no door locks and the trunk was zip-tied shut (sound familiar Jones?) and someone still broke the pass side window to get at lord knows what, since there was nothing valuable in it. people are fucking idiots.
  2. tape an x-acto blade on the inside of your door handle so anyone "testing" the locked-ness of your truck gets a nasty surprise* *don't do this because you will be sued into oblivion
  3. Just saw the time stamps...so one of those was literally 6 hours ago.
  4. Only reason you should buy from carmax is for a lux vehicle with their warranty. Otherwise you're just overspending.
  5. GS4 in a Spigen Neo Hybrid case. I've dropped this fucker a million times, cracked 4 case frames (cheaply replaced) and never hurt the phone.
  6. Stance looks retarded, does not contribute to faster lap times, and is, in fact, retarded. I'm all about the freedom to participate in retarded things if that's your cup of tea, but getting mad that retarding things come with retarded consequences is retarded. Fuckin' retards.
  7. 4C Launch Edition is now in production (first firm news I've heard in months) and will be at our showroom late Oct/early Nov. I'm hopeful but not expecting reg 4C to arrive before end of year.
  8. NEWS: Alfa Romeo 4C Launch Edition is now in production, hopefully here by end of Oct or beginning of Nov
  9. Yeah I'd read the Giulietta was not worth importing, glad to hear they're not bringing it.
  10. "Last week we put matte white wrap on a Lambo. It...didn't go faster"
  11. Why the fucking unreadable red text?? WHY????????
  12. If I weighed less, I'd buy those in a heartbeat. Mace, for your son's size, if he wants something that's great in the park but sufficient for all-mountain, these skis are probably perfect fit and priced ridiculously.
  13. #1 thing with boots is to TRY THEM ON. You've gotta go shopping with the boy or you run the risk of getting him a really nice pair of boots that absolutely crush his feet. Ask me how I know. As far as skis, those are all about preference. I used to have a nice pair of Rossignol skis that were a bit too flexible for my taste. I sold them on CL and bought a nice pair of K2s that were a lot stiffer and it really made me enjoy skiing that much more. Is he more into moguls, terrain park, giant slalom, powder, or all-mountain? That's another big thing in figuring out what to get him. you don't want to get a giant slalom skier a pair of twin-tip park skis. Last thing to consider is bindings. I don't know a whole lot about bindings, other than I always have them set to only release with lots of pressure. never had an issue with it since i'm a big guy, but again, the type of skiing he wants to do will have a big influence on the type of bindings you get. generally speaking, I prefer swap meets for ski equipment. unless you're looking to drop some serious cash (probably $1k or more) you're not going to buy new, with the exception of boots maybe. it's easy to find well-cared-for skis/bindings at swap meets, which stores occasionally host. when looking for skis at swap meets, make sure there are no big pits in the skis, top or bottom. if the core is exposed moisture gets in, rots it, and skis are no good. look out for heavily worn edges. surface rust is no big deal but make sure the edges are even and not being eaten by rust or aren't heavily worn/dented/etc. As far as sizing goes, check online. I use a longer-than-recommended ski because it's stiffer so the additional length allows more flex. With swap meet skis you also want to make sure the bindings on them are suitable for the boot your son will be using; you want to avoid re-drilling as much as possible. Long-lasting doesn't have to be expensive. My dad has a run-of-the-mill pair of K2s that are older than I am (27). He finally caved and bought new skis but still has those old ones and occasionally uses them just for the challenge. Any pair of skis will last a LONG time as long as they are well cared for, not abused, and tuned every season.
  14. Within weeks, likely. We're getting our display installed currently in the showroom. 4C launch edition will be first, only 500 coming to the US of which we hope to have 2 or more. 4C regular edition will be next, then I'm thinking either the Giulia or Giulietta, I'm hoping for the former though.
  15. Android has been adding 1.5" to dicktures since 2012 :lolguy::dumb::gabe: how dare anyone buy a phone that suits their wants and needs if it differs from my personal choice that suits my wants and needs
  16. Get in touch with us. Be part of something new and awesome. Make money.
  17. In my business, if you look at the long term, a high tech phone could be the difference of hundreds or thousands of dollars per year in earnings. If I could be equally effective with a flip phone I'd still have one, but being able to make and edit high quality videos on the fly to demo car stuff to far-away customers is the difference between me being a run of the mill salesman and being a top notch salesman.
  18. Boss is at Easton right now, says they ran out of the VZW 6+ almost right away.
  19. Dance Dance Revolution is the new screen unlock function.
  20. You're absolutely correct, but most of those cases are A) immediately recognizable as investment opportunities and B) not financially accessible to the average consumer. And I'm talking about actual cars people want, not broke dick craigslist shitpiles you buy for $2500 and sell for $2800 to a friend.
  21. It's not an impulse buy, it's an INVESTMENT! A terrible investment into a depreciating asset, but an investment nonetheless
  22. I've met with Bob and I can tell you, getting ideas from him is really illuminating. How I'd answer: 1) The reason I am looking for a new job is I feel as though I've exhausted the challenge of my current position, and I'm looking for something that will not only force me to step up at first, but that gives me future prospects for a challenge without changing jobs. My current position also does not have a path towards where I want to be in the next few years. That brings me to my first question for you: 2) (I love turning this one around on interviewers, because they love to ask this of prospective employees) If I were hired at your company, where would YOU see me in 5 years? Does your company have a clear and defined track towards management positions? What qualities do you look for in someone you expect to advance in your organization, and do you believe I have those qualities based on what I've told you? Are there people currently in leadership positions that have ever held the job I'm interviewing for? If so, what are their backgrounds, how did they get to their current position, and if you decide I am a good fit for your company, are they someone I'd be able to chat briefly with before making a decision? Most important to me, at least, is to convey not only confidence, but aggressiveness in pursuing advancement and excellence. No one worth working for wants to hire a guy who is happy where he is, they want to hire someone with a drive to make themselves and their company more money.
  23. I'm a huge fan of those as well, but dealers knows those things are in high demand. Unmolested used ones with high miles routinely go for mid teens to mid $20k range whether they're modded to shit or totally stock. One of the best truck "investments" you can make.
  24. I got bored with that relatively quickly. I thought the game was going to be a lot more puzzle/environment oriented, when in reality it's basically a crappy GTA game with a few environmental aspects. And the driving is unforgivably bad for how necessary it is. I'm still excited to play Destiny, but it's amazing to hear all the praise dry up around the same time as everyone hits a wall and realizes "crap...this is the same thing over and over again."
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