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El Karacho1647545492

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Everything posted by El Karacho1647545492

  1. Where could a gentleman like myself find a doctor willing to write permission for tint? I actually do have a lot of trouble driving in med-light conditions like dawn and dusk.
  2. No one at that age is really a socialist, just someone who wants recognition for being different. Anyone who knows anything about anything, even the most bleeding heart left wing liberals, knows that true socialism is stupid.
  3. You know, that'd be an awesome custom license plate.
  4. License plates must be mounted on the forward-most part of the car IIRC.
  5. A cop with CP conviction? If he's not in segregation he's gonna get fucking murdered in prison.
  6. That's assuming that personal responsibility is no longer extinct in America. Not giving these bitches the attention they want is an unhappy compromise between "assume people will hold themselves accountable" and "take everyone's guns away"
  7. I love the gold but I've never liked polished lip. 1 vote Black.
  8. As much as we want to know about the goings-on in our country to have informed debate, the only way we prevent this from happening is to prevent the perpetrators from gaining any notoriety.
  9. Honestly the best way to get off their lists is not to hang up or ask to be removed, but to screw with them. Take as much of their time as you can until they hang up on you. Don't ask who they're affiliated with, just pretend to be an extremely slow old person. The reason they hang up on you when you ask is because they know they have no chance of scamming you. If you string them along, they think they have a chance and will play along. I suspect they get paid based on how many scams they run, so the more time you waste, the more you screw with them. Also, it's fun to scare the shit out of them at the end. I had one guy strung along for about 10 minutes just giving him BS info, when I sensed he was starting to catch on I sort of put my hand over my mic and whispered loud enough for him to hear "YEAH WE GOT THE TRACE, I JUST GOTTA KEEP HIM ON THE LINE FOR A COUPLE MORE MINUTES AND WE'LL HAVE A NAME TO GO WITH IT" *click*. I haven't been called by that particular recorded voice since.
  10. The purpose of CF is to add lightness (to quote Chapman) and simply giving the illusion you've done so is, IMO, the same as putting an cobra badge on the front of a V6 Mustang because you like the cobra logo more than the pony logo. That said, I agree that you do what the fuck you want because it's your car and haters be damned.
  11. I'll trade you a Nixon 51-30 rubber watch :gabe: Kidding, that one's not my style. GLWS though, I'm very pleased with the Nixon Mike sold me earlier this year.
  12. No MT with diesel?? :no: Also, it looks like Chevy has transitioned away from VM Motori and is now using a GM "Family Z" diesel.
  13. More for the Cruze part or more for the diesel part? Also, is the diesel still a VM Motori unit or is it a GM design? I always thought the 2.0L VM Motori motor was a solid powerplant, but I'm no expert.
  14. :lolguy: this state is completely flat and likely has more salt/plow trucks than all of New England states combined. I grew up learning to drive stick in a Ford Probe and an E36M with Blizzaks in the winter. I still remember going out on a snow day in the Probe at 12 years old with my dad and him telling me "if you learn to drive in this shit, you'll save yourself thousands of dollars not buying AWD in your life". Also, in CT a snow day usually consists of 4"+ of powder, not just the threat of potential snow later in the day.
  15. I about pissed myself laughing at this. Duke is trash.
  16. The only BCS appearances that matter are 2002, 2006, and 2007. The rest are just exhibitions.
  17. we WERE we WEREN'T I WAS I WASN'T That may also help your case in court, believe it or not. On a less condescending note, if he shows up to court with, like others said, the hunter safety stuff partially done and scheduled, it'll show a genuine desire to learn from his mistake. That is really what the judge/magistrate/prosecutor are looking for. They want to cut breaks to people who are actively seeking to be safer, rather than people who will stand firm and try to justify that what they were doing was not wrong. Basically, it's easier and more effective to go in and show that you want to abide by the laws than that you want to change the laws.
  18. Like I posted earlier, Hyde's YaC is in the 4-5yd range. Even if he's hit 2 yards behind the LoS on that 4th he's still more statistically likely to gain the first down.
  19. I've got no love for SEC, but Auburn is used to playing tight tough games. FSU doesn't know how to play a tough team. OSU has had the same issues in the past. Cruise through a regular season, find yourself against a pissed off SEC opponent in the BCS Championship game, collapse on a national stage. Remember, OSU is one pass interference call away from not being a national champion in the last 40 years. You have to be lucky to be good, but you have to be good to be lucky.
  20. I'd take that bet. FSU has played trash, with the exception of Clemson, this year. The ACC is even more of a joke than B10. And re: Hyde vs Miller YPC, I'm pretty sure Miller isn't seeing in the neighborhood of 4-5 yards after contact like Hyde is.
  21. Sheet Metal Happens = SMH. Coincidence? I think not. Also what crackhead appraised it at $75,000? I'm guessing they walked into a high school classroom and said "We'll give $100 to the first person who can add up the total of all these receipts and call himself an appraiser!"
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