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Posts posted by rl

  1. Originally posted by Tony_K:

    I sent you the link just to make sure you know what the APA actually is. Do the research yourself - I'm not going to spoon feed you. You'll never learn anything that way. :D

    My point was doing a search for 'pornography' on the APA site brings up nothing other than articles about the effects of internet porn on children. (I know there are many journals about it, I just found it humorous that they aren't prominent)


    What do you consider a contributing factor to society on an individual level?

  2. Originally posted by Tony_K:


    Do you know what the American Psychological Association is? Begin with them for if you want to have an informed opinion about how good or bad pornography is for a person. No morals involved with them; just research. I dare you. Go to a library, find some research articles, and read a little bit.


    Ask a librarian at an academic library (OSU, for example) for help with a search engine that pulls from psychological journals, and do a keyword search for pornography.

    I am very familiar with APA, and I doubt I'll need to ask a Librarian for help with much of anything (I've worked at a library, in an administrative position, for 4 years).


    How many executives raking in half a million+ a year do you think go to strip clubs and buy porno on a regular basis? Are they the detriment of society?


    I'm a successful young entrepreneur, I work full time, and I go to school full time. I look at porno. Am I the detriment of society?

  3. Originally posted by Tony_K:



    You are applying your views to everyone in your statement. Your view appears to be that morals are individual and not universal, and you are trying to force me and everyone else to accept your viewpoint that morals are subjective.

    Freedom of thought and action would lead to the belief that morals ARE subjective, no?




    Since we cant quote more than twice apparently....


    People today seem to equate freedom of choice with "everything is okay," when there are many things we are free to do that in the long run are not good for us. We are free to smoke and free to bang prostitutes, but we know that smoking is unhealthy and the prostitute will probably give you a disease. My point is that pornography is a bad choice, and if you research the subject of pornography within any disciplined body of knowledge such as psychology, sociology, psychiatry, history, or even political science you will quickly find a plethora of verifiable reasons why pornography is largely detrimental to both the individual and the society.



    Again, that's your opinion. Yes we all know smoking can kill you. Thats a fact. What is NOT ok is judging someone because they smoke, or look at porn, or whatever. Who are you to say that it is a bad choice for everyone?


    As for judging people - We are all entitled to our opinions. This is freedom of thought that we all value. To judge someone based on their sex, color, background, socioeconomic status, or other factor beyond their control is wrong. However, to disagree with a person's ACTIONS and INDIVIDUAL CHOICES and what they do of their OWN FREE WILL is perfectly acceptable. To hinder that is to hinder freedom of thought and speech. Just as someone is free to work in the porn industry, I or anyone else am free to state that that is shameful.

    Yes, you are free to do or say what you please. Just as you can tell me something is shameful, I can disagree with you. Judging someone based on their choices, whether you think they are right or wrong, is just as bad as judging someone based on their uncontrollable characteristics.



    The difference here, and the only thing I have a problem with is the lack of your letter 'I'. There is a big difference between saying that working in the Porno industry is shameful and that it is your opinion that working in the porno industry is shameful.


    These are not hard facts, they are opinions. You state them like facts.

  4. Originally posted by Tony_K:

    To think that pornography and promiscuity are not detrimental to society and to the emotional, physical, social, and intellectual health of the individual is to be ignorant to all of the world's collective scientific and academic knowledge on the subject, as well as to have no common sense.


    I can't believe how many people are oblivious to the obvious repercussions of certain kinds of behavior. How much time do you think clean, responsible, productive people who contribute to society spend watching porn or going to strip clubs?


    As for morals, they are more universal than "liberated" westerners of the last 40 years would like to think. For at least a few thousand years, completely unrelated societies and cultures have arrived at similar moral standards out of striving for what is best for their society and trying to improve their existence. Do you think it is a coincidence that every single society in history that ever flourished valued the institution of Marriage and shunned prostitution?


    +1,000,000 for Garrett


    Shame on the kid who is working for the porn company, and pity the people who waste their time, money, and quality of life on porn.

    The problem with HIPPIES is that they feel THEIR VIEWS and THEIR MORALS are EVERYONES views and EVERYONES morals.



    To think that people pressing THEIR beliefs and views onto EVERYONE is not the detriment of society is ignorant; Think what YOU want, but don't judge me for thinking what I want.


    That being said, I'm not a porn freak, I don't go to strip clubs, however I AM for freedom of thought and action. It pisses me off to no end when people JUDGE others based THEIR morals.


    If some guy wants to go to a strip club, and gets off on shoving dollars in some whores thong, then great for him. But he doesn't need you telling him that he is the detriment of society, or that what he is doing is wrong.



    edit: By hippie I dont mean free-love long haird hippy, I mean someone who pisses me off, like Al Gore




    [ 14. May 2004, 02:30 PM: Message edited by: rl ]

  5. Originally posted by OSoSlow5.0:

    bike looks great hands down one of the coolest i have seen. but like i said before logo is a hack. i would change it to somethign more orginal IMO

    I dont understand whats unoriginal about it? What does it look like? I mean, its not splendifurous, but its not that bad. I definantly wouldnt go as far as calling it a 'hack'. Creative Custom Choppers. Three 'C's in flames. It all makes sense to me... :confused:


    Cost to build? Everything is wholesale...I can tell you that we have over 40 hours in fabrication. Do the math. smile.gif

  6. Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

    survivor / it cleared me right up with no ill side effects.


    The accutane horror stories a mostly sensationalized or resulted from lack of required testing.


    I was happier while on accutane than I was before it. Probably cause I was pretty sure I wasnt going to be fucking disgusting to look at in 10 weeks.

    I stayed on it for about a month, I havent been more depressed in my entire life than I was for that month (well, about 2 weeks into the month).


    I've considered going back on it though, it does work great..

  7. Originally posted by DropTop:

    the '03 cobras/ saleens/ rouchs are roots blown and they feature an intercooler.


    But the general idea is that you inject water or alochol into the airstream and it turns into a fine mist and helps dissipate heat. I would imagine that alochol works better.

    Water works better at removing heat from the air. Its one of those funky basic laws of physics type things. smile.gif
  8. Originally posted by Razorback:

    Who's the closest to me (I'm in Gahanna) that could tune a 96 Cobra? And what would be an estimate on cost?


    I have full exhaust, would have IMRC deletes, and I would also want the exhaust codes (for offroad equipment as well as the IMRC codes obviously) deactivated so they won't throw codes and put the car in limp mode. Also can my limiter be raised and fan be told to kick on sooner?



    $370 for a dynotune, that INCLUDES dynotime. $300 for a 'mailorder' tune. We can do anything you need.


    We've tuned more mustangs than anyone in central Ohio.



    (740) 971-4901

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