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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. That's not new, it's really fun.... but why the hell did they try to make it look like a Friends episode? You're correct. You also weigh a lot more at the bottom, so you're loading the hell out of the rope. I'm so doing that.
  2. I was looking at those. I can get past their ugliness... but what happens when they spin at 2000rpm? These came up: http://www.nasaforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=54134
  3. Buckaroo Banzai already has that record: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-bBFV-L8JnJA/Ttb3noLUN7I/AAAAAAAAFVQ/2zuCnCJ-0lI/s1600/Untitled-Captured-35.jpg
  4. But I have no leads, only hubcaps. I knew there would be a compromise in weight to have a solid wheel, though theoretically you can have wheels of the same weight and "strength" no matter what the format... you just need the right alloy and the right machinist... neither of which I can afford. I'm sure I can find a non-solid wheel, I'd just like the extra bit of stability they offer. As the patterned wheels spin faster and faster, they blow like inefficient fans and "could" lead to instability. Salt is slippery enough as-is. Of course, there's a chance that I'm fretting over 300mph problems. I *have* seen budget wheels fail at much lower speeds, so I'm sticking with that demand. Maybe my first question should be: Which manufacturers can be trusted with my life? Funnycar rims and tires seem to be popular among the salties, but I don't want to forfeit that much tire yet.
  5. Looking for some lightweight 17" wheels, 5x114.3 Not hard, right? Well, I want them to be narrow, 7.5 or so. Not hard? I want them to be high-quality, I need them to be safe at 180+mph Getting harder. I'd like them to be solid, no air passing through them. Cant find shit. Would like an assortment of backspacing to choose from, to make sure they are flush with the fenders. See above, about shit.
  6. I think the thief should get a by-run on this one: The owner spent a shitload of money to make his car look exactly like A CAR THAT IS ONLY FAMOUS FOR BEING STOLEN. He just made the guys repro more accurate.
  7. Damn, Malaysia has a bigger section of the article than the US: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Street_racing#Malaysia
  8. Hong Kong still drives on the left, it's a leftover from British rule (which only ended recently). The rest of China drives on the right. Also, that's not Cantonese. My money would be on Malaysia, Kala Lumpur is a modern city with some decent roads, and they drive on the left. I don't speak the language, but I've worked with many many asians and that's got an Indochina "twong" to it. In fact, they've got just about the most badassed car tunnel system on earth. Back in "the old days", I knew a guy who used to shoot under High Street on 670W at around 140mph. It was stupid, but really exhilarating... I've been told.
  9. http://i.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/9/3/6/110936_slide.jpg%5Bimg%5D http://i.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/9/5/0/110950_slide.jpg http://i.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/9/3/4/110934_slide.jpg http://i.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/2/8/7/112287_slide.jpg http://i.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/2/2/0/112220_slide.jpg
  10. They pay extra for that. http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2011/8/11/2f93f2f4-fc0f-48ed-b418-d8f764578184.jpg
  11. Yeah it's pretty fucked up, that shit should get you on a watch-list. http://media.egotvonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/chris-hansen.jpg
  12. And they, having actually read about (and been tested on) the internet in their history i-books, will call you a liar.
  13. At least they DIDN'T get them the shit they wanted. Imagine the parents who caved.
  14. http://s3-ak.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/web05/2011/12/9/16/enhanced-buzz-25933-1323464580-2.jpg
  15. I'm amazed at how buoyant their little cars are, US car sink like stones.
  16. http://www.blogcdn.com/www.urlesque.com/media/2010/05/haterafrican.jpg http://www.blogcdn.com/www.urlesque.com/media/2010/05/hatereagle.jpg http://icanhasinternets.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/haters21.jpg http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/gallery/haters-gonna-hate/haters-gonna-hate-monkey-big-balls.jpg http://www.blogcdn.com/www.urlesque.com/media/2010/05/hatercar.jpg http://gifsforum.com/images/gif/haters%20gonna%20hate/grand/875784564.gif
  17. Again, not faulting the crew, I'm faulting the people who only hired ONE crew. A fire extinguisher puts out fires.... guess what it does when you shoot it at an engines intake? The camera could clearly see what was going on, so a crew truck launched from the traps would have had a clear view as well. A dude with a fire extinguisher at the half way mark could have neutralized the engine. Moar safety plz.
  18. http://blogs.browardpalmbeach.com/pulp/2011/11/mosler_raptorgtr_music_video.php
  19. Yet it still burned for a full minute before they started dowsing it, imagine if the fire was in the cockpit. Not their fault that they were that far away, they were just too damn far away.
  20. That kinda stuf DID make me quit drag racing; emergency responce it utterly pathetic. I've been on road courses 10 times longer than a drag strip, and emergency responders are on a wreck within seconds of it coming to rest. Why the hell does it take so long to get down a drag strip? Why did the truck come from the big end? Why no trucks coming from the tower? Why can't they pay a few guys to stand around with fire extinguishers every 100 yards?
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