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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. I know some folk with exactly what you're asking for. Still interested?
  2. Beat me to it. Some of the best in car footage ever captured.
  3. RULE 34, NO EXCEPTIONS. http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/funny-gifs-doesnt-matter.gif
  4. LOLz are enlightenment http://popwebgame.com/funny_pic/images/disrespecting-the-buddha.jpg http://www.shirtofun.com/image/cache/data/Buddha_rect-170x170.jpg http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2009/9/9/128969565973176301.jpg
  5. http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/photos/images/original/000/196/849/Cpdaq.jpg?1320709667
  6. First World Problem; smashing up two $6figure race cars and wasting a weekends racing budget for the sole purpose of KEEPING IT REAL.
  7. I WAS the foosball rod in the Tbird.
  8. http://nigeltufnelday.tumblr.com/ http://www.founditemclothing.com/itgoesto11/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/nigel-tufnel-it-goes-to-11-11-11-holiday-obama-shepardfairey-spoof.jpg
  9. Then played fooz ball next to Berto, where he got to smell the Thunder.
  10. I don't know who 80% of you people are, but you need to get off my lawn. Thanks for setting this up, Ant! I was good to see the geezers again.
  11. Don't wanna get stuck in the Dumpster again.
  12. Will there be a hetero table I can sit at?
  13. And he left out "enter it into a rally and rip a wheel half off". PS: I laughed out loud remembering that. Good times.
  14. Should I wash the Subaru for this, to try to get it covered in mud?
  15. I blame global warming. I'll make plans to be there
  16. Stock RX7 gearing? IIRC Mazda made those rediculously steep; 4.11 or higher?
  17. Don't forget less frontal area and a decent drag coef. You should boost it and take it to Speed Week in Bonneville.
  18. Close range, animals just wandering around. You can get penetration with an ol 1911. If you can put it in the right place it will be as easy as anything else. They were likely sitting ducks.
  19. Because he's crazy, not evil. Great Apes are malicious. A tiger will kill you and eat you, an ape will rip your face off just to hear you scream. They have to contain the spread of the animals. Right now they are in a relatively small area. Tranquilizing them takes a very specific, fleshy shot that's difficult in the daylight. If they'd waited the night and hunted-to-dart, the animals would spread out over a huge area and be harder to find. In the interest of public safety they had to get what they could in the first night. Imagine some Yoders or Millers a dozen miles to the north getting attacked while out working the farm. People can't just "stay inside" until the multi-month hunt is complete. If you want to blame some one for their deaths, blame the guy that let them out.
  20. I bet there isn't an empty tree stand in that county right now. Note to you guys out there: Don't worry about the bears. A bear isn't really going to be sneaking up on you. Just carry something of large caliber (or just some bear spray) and you're fine with the bears. The cats, however, you will not see. If a big cat wants you dead, you probably won't know it until it's jaws are around your neck. They are ambush predators, very quiet, very patient. You're only luck would come from their color differing from our forest fall colors. Even if you do see them coming, good luck. Remember the Elephant video: http://www.crazy-videoz.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/tiger-attack-man-on-elephant.jpg
  21. Captain planet, motherfucker: http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/5876f2aced/don-cheadle-is-captain-planet
  22. I was gonna say Iggy Pop, but yours is funnier. http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lfegyeXByI1qavyp7o1_500.jpg
  23. looks like a good idea to anyone who makes money off fixing it.
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