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Science Abuse

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Everything posted by Science Abuse

  1. http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/funny-gifs-butt-vacuum.gif
  2. http://i.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/7/0/4/71704_slide.gif?v=1
  3. http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_231_creative-ways-to-teach-children-harsh-life-lessons_p21/ http://i.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/0/1/4/72014_slide.jpg?v=1
  4. May bring the boy out. It's 2:45 am though and i may sleep in.
  5. Because no racecar. People who've never done it don't seem to understand that everyone who burned to death in that Pit Road explosion are real people. That said, fast racetrucks are perverse... I like them.
  6. Yeah I need to figure out how to turn that shit into LOLz to keep it here. http://pic.epicfail.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/cyclist-fail.jpg
  7. How are you harvesting already? Did you grow indoors during the winter? My first pumpkins are only softball size, and I was kinda surprised they were that big already.
  8. Didn't know that.... because nobody said it. I'll agree that the driver is at fault, though I will not agree that I am a retard. I see a law that says "stay right". Riding single file is not only SMART, but a courtesy. I ride, I ride the open roads, and I've ridden in competition. Only a dick thinks it's anyone elses job to stay out of their way, only a corpse expects other people to protect their safety. Quid Pro Quo: If you want people to be courteous to you, you should be courteous to them. Stay right, single file. Don't obstruct people who have shit to do, don't expect senior citizens in beige Cadillacs to be aware of their surroundings. "I was legally right" is a stupid epitaph. And don't make cycling out to be something it's not. It's only as hard as you make it, the kinds of sports you're referring to don't involve machines (or balls, or tracks), and they are not safe.
  9. He swerved to avoid hitting the tree, not to deliberately hit anyone. His left wheels were in the grass until that tree came up, he gave them as much room as he could. If the bikes would stay right and ride single file like they're supposed to, this wouldn't have happened.
  10. http://blackpeopleloveus.com/images/ireallydontknow.jpg
  11. If you think about that for more than 5 seconds, it's retarded. If he comes after you, you take your video, your tag number, and your ass and you ride off. Pulling a gun and "keeping it real" escalates things to where they don't need to be. Shit man, you never pull a gun on a hillbilly in a pickup, he'll just go get his and then you have a real problem.
  12. The facts: -The pickup truck with the ATV in the back was doing triple digits on the wrong side of the road like a drunken moron. -A motorcycle hitting a car at a closing speed of 160+mph is going to cut right through it, killing everybody. They're both idiots, willing to risk killing other people for fun. The billy was doing it deliberately, the bikers doing it via ignorance. Anyone who says the bikes aren't endangering other people is lying to himself.
  13. http://becauseracecar.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/lewisbrc.jpg
  14. http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/rage_faces_graph.png
  15. NPR is the last thing resembling a balanced new source in the country. Problem is, if you disagree with the GOP or report about them being wrong, you are immediately a Liberal. That said, his ride was a warning to the patriots. If they actually felt like they were real British citizens, they wouldn't have revolted.
  16. Wants to be president, couldn't pass 3rd grade history: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS4C7bvHv2w
  17. http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/fast5p1.gif
  18. http://images.dailydawdle.com/hand-sanitizer.jpg
  19. .... if he respected her, why did he ask her dads permission? PS: That cost money, quite a bit I'm sure. NEVER set the bar that high.
  20. http://thereifixedit.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/white-trash-repairs-one-more-reason-why-pizza-is-awesome.jpg http://thereifixedit.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/white-trash-repairs-dual-use-couch.jpg http://thatwillbuffout.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/funny-car-photos-amphibious-limo.jpg
  21. I bet that smelled like asp. :gabe: http://chzhistoriclols.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/61488524-0920-4b48-92a2-022d5ac946ab.jpg http://chzhistoriclols.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/funny-pictures-history-it-was-a.jpg
  22. Power to weight ratio: http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/866e5a7f-71cf-4968-ab1c-74a15b8ba536.gif
  23. http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/41be79ff-f303-4a69-98bf-c54dabb04802.gif http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/0f6a53f6-30b4-407d-ba01-6a6a46dc460a.gif
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