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Everything posted by nathan

  1. If it was not notarized then the car was never sold. The only way that the title office will accept a title is when the seller has it notarized. The buyer does not have to be present for the title to be notarized. If there are warrants out then it should be in the impound. One other thing is did the guys who bought the car keep the plates, or did you? Oh and one more thing, your license is suspended as of the date on that letter, so if you get picked up it will be on a suspended license
  2. I had a sump pump burn up after the float found its way onto the top of the pump. I decided to just buy one that the float was more like a toilet lever rather than the longass teather that the old one had. The only time our basement flooded was when the cheap water heater took a dump on the floor. I found a softball sized hole in the bottom of it when I ripped it out.
  3. nathan

    Word XP help

    Hmm, I think I understand what you mean, but I have never actually tried to do something like that in Word. MS access might be what you need to use, since it can create reports. They can be set up to have sections.
  4. I can pick up for that price! Also, does it have lights?
  5. Hey all, Just like it says I need some better seats for my daily car. The driver side ripped and it has a spring poking through.
  6. No TV, no phone, etc. then reward good behavior with the above stated, and/or movies games and stuff. The comment by the teacher of lack of effort would indicate that he/she feels that your kid can do the work. Most teachers (my parents and spouse are) know who can and cannot do the required work. Sometimes a tutor can help, but the kid has to want to learn in that case. I guess the big thing is what are the consequences for not doing what he is supposed too??? BTW corporial punishment does actually work!
  7. Are the rockers 1.6 or 1.5s? Interested if 1.6s
  8. Effects would be that it would never have any long range fuel curves stored so it would always run better. LOL
  9. ^+1 Just go over on High St by the Graceland shopping center. There is a used car place that has probably 10 VWs at any one time. Just talk to them and see if they can get you a diesel. Oh and not all gas stations have diesel, so have fun when you are almost empty and cannot find a station (fond memories of my 81 rabbit)
  10. nathan


    Where do you live, and I can pick them up if you like? PM me with the details, I can use them for sure!
  11. Actually the change was made about a month ago, and they interviewed some who were less than thrilled about the change. The single barrel is still higher proof, and I was lucky enough once to get to try straight whiskey before it was diluted, that is the only way to go if you can find it.
  12. nathan


    How much tread do they still have??
  13. 14.3 for me, the clutch was not quite right, then started to slip, then went out in Ashland, so tow home from Ashland, wish I could have made it back the whole way. All in all though it was a great day for the end of Oct. Anthony, I saw that last run that Chris made, the car looked great off the line, then you tell something gave.
  14. I've tested more than one RX7 for compression with the finger method. It really works well, the apex seals will not push any air out if they're blown, and will kinda suck your finger into the hole. Oh and the coil packs can be checked by just taking the spark plugs off and seeing if there is a nice arc, just be careful not to get shocked!
  15. He can still file separately though, that is always an option. The marriage penalty is that the standard deduction is not twice that of the single rate. However, the married filing separately is exactly half of the married filing jointly deduction. Taking your taxes to HR Block will not help you get anymore money, there are just not magic dollars there, and if you get audited, YOU are responsible even if you have no clue how the person got you your refund. Make lots of donations (clothes, furniture etc) after you get married and claim them to help offset costs. We always got refunds when single, but the key is to just take no allowances after you get married, that will kill your refund, my wife thought it was supposed to be 1 on her W9, and it so not enough was withheld. If you know someone who is a CPA they could figure out exact amount to withhold for the year based on wages and deductions, otherwise take more out, then get it back in March/April, that is the magic money!
  16. It is based on INCOME. The more you make the higher the tax rate. If you both make money, then you will pay more by filing together. If you own a house you have to itemize deductions, period. Unless you do not pay a mortgage, property taxes, etc. on the house. Also, like what was said above, if one person itemizes both have to.
  17. I need a pair of cheap slicks that will mount up to an 8in rim. Email me if you have some. I don't need or want anything special, just for next weekend at Norwalk.
  18. Yeah, but I have to turn the stereo on to here things on HBO, then blow out my ears when I switch to sports. BTW I think the dog ate the cable line this morning, so I am down at home.
  19. Okay I have some technical questions for you that others have not been able to fix. The digital stations like HBO and Starz have lower sound levels than other stations. I've had techs try stuff like reseting the box, tried upping the sound levels on them, but nothing seems to work. Also had guys redo the connect at the box, one said it was on the main line, any way to fix that? It just sucks to remember to turn the volume back down when switching between ESPN and HBO.
  20. You will have to get a salvage title. He should still have the original title from Indiana though, or can get a copy from his BMV. They will issue him one, then you will have to have it inspected. The BMV in OH will provide you with locations that do this. After you get it inspected with his title in hand, you will then receive the title from Ohio. It will be a salvage/rebuild title, but since you don't really care, then you can go over to the license bureau and get it registered.
  21. Check with midwest fender off of hamilton. They might have that bumper cover, but I'm not sure. I know that they have a lot of body stuff over there. oops didn't see that you were from MF 614-751-3100 http://www.midwestfender.com/
  22. The universal sensors will work, you will just have to keep the connector on your car and use wire connectors. Most of the heated sensors are in the $40 range. Those toyota sensors are pretty expensive and you can usually only find them at the dealer.
  23. nathan

    Who will carry Ohio?

    Based on poll data the state will be carried by Bush as of last week. That is not to say that with all of the increased registration that new polls will reflect something different. Because Ohio reflects the nation as a whole based on demography that is why Presidents who win carry Ohio.
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