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Everything posted by pg

  1. pg

    New Viper GTS.....

    I don't really think it looks like they changed much, in fact I can't tell what they did change, and I really don't like the interior with the color scheme, I agree that it looks like a high-schooler did an expensive looking color scheme thingy.
  2. The cops got two pepper sprays, one in each hand. Hahaha. I would pepper spray someone too, they don't know what those people are going to do and by not acting that way I think they would just get stomped on, one cop to ? how many people.
  3. pg

    Way to go dad,

    You had 14 beers and you drove home? You're crazy, do you still live in New Albany, because thats where I got arrested and where Drew got his DUI while driving home from a party. Cops are every where down there.
  4. What is a low-pressure cell?
  5. pg

    Haunted places

    I remember watching that show, it was scary, like when they made the people lay in those holding things for the dead people in the morgue for hours, that would be terrifying.
  6. pg

    Way to go dad,

    Drew, I think that guy has you beat buy, uhhh a lot.
  7. pg

    Way to go dad,

    Wow. I would be proud of my dad if he could do that.
  8. pg

    Haunted places

    No the spirit person told her how to get into the attic and they found the baby clothes. The spirit thing told her that there was a gun too and where to find it also but this is not in the attic and we don't know if she has found it yet. We're all really freaked out.
  9. Yeah well that doesn't make any sense. So what?
  10. Clark we're not talking about sex in this thread merely condoms do you have a problem that you need addressed?
  11. I'd rather have snow than all this rain, it sucks so bad to walk to class in this shit, plus its freezing out and my feet get so wet that I have to dry my shoes and socks with my hair dryer.
  12. pg

    Haunted places

    Yeah the spirit thing told her how, they found baby clothes and styrofoam.
  13. The shots are good forms of birth control but if taken for long time periods they can make women infertile for the rest of their lives and they normally have to wait a few years before they can concieve again. The patch is just like taking the pill except that they can come off with rubbing and stuff and they leave a mark where they are placed.
  14. pg


    Well he will be able to get a job because he stayed in jail for an extra year to get his record wiped clean, he had to stay for another year becuase thats how long the trial took to get his record wiped. He was a really nice guy too, which really sucked.
  15. agreed....also not having sex with sluts will help too....not saying you are by any means i just mean in general[/QB] Hey now Harris92 is my boyfriend and I am not a slut!
  16. pg


    3-5 years is a really long time, and then when you get out how do you get a job? I just met a guy when I was in Florida who had just gotten out of jail for rape which he didn't commit, the girl who sent him there's mom finally told them the truth and he was let go, 19 years of his life gone.
  17. Same sort of deal with condoms, so any way you go theres a chance.
  18. pg


    And it would save the taxpayers dollars too. graemlins/thumb.gif
  19. pg


    Yeah, in some prisons they even have cable tv that they get to watch sometimes!
  20. And they were starting at $250,000! Haha.
  21. pg

    Haunted places

    So I just heard some more freaky shit about this girls house. Well she was doing the ouiji board again tonight and she asked the spirit thing why she was here and it told her that it was protecting her from this guy that she used to work with who is stalking her. It also told her how to get into the loft and that there was a gun to protect herself with and where to find it. It told her the guys name, his license plate, how many times he's driven past her house and what day he was coming to rape her, this is in 283 days. She is currently looking for the gun that the spirit told her about and she is really freaked out.
  22. Yeah I know, it took me a long time while reading it to udnerstand what was going on but I was going on a cruise and didn't have anything else to read so I bought that, I'm going to read the first three but I don't know if I will have the effort to read all 700 pages of the fourth again I might just go to the fifth. I agree that the books are better than the movies, that is normally how it is with all books to movies I've found.
  23. pg

    Haunted places

    One of my friends thinks the place that she lives in is haunted by this woman who lives in her loft. I guess they were doing a ouiji (sp?) board thing and this woman told them that she lives in her loft and is never coming down, freaky thing is the girl never knew there was a loft until the person told her and then she noticed a window that is to an upstairs crawl space area but there is no way up there, we searched all night for a way to get up to the loft. Its freaky.
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