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Everything posted by pg

  1. pg

    "Mr. DWI"

    Haha. Thats funny theres a kid that I graduated with who has had 3 DUIs before he graduated, the third was before he was sentenced for his second, he's an idiot.
  2. Yeah, that is really bad traffic, I feel for you, Polaris at five is also hell.
  3. Thats awful. I don't feel bad for him now because I think he was just talking shit about me in his other thread. I'm glad you're getting shit 98dirtybird.
  4. If you don't like the board then stop posting on it. It's a very simple concept. I hope you're not refering to me when you talk about people racing others cars, what do you care in the first place? I race it myself and don't talk shit about people just because other people are making fun of you, thats not how to make friends. Now you have probably one of the only people who felt bad that you were getting so much shit not really feeling bad anymore. graemlins/thumb.gif
  5. pg

    I support cloning

    If you don't like the board then stop posting on it. It's a very simple concept. I hope you're not refering to me when you talk about people racing others cars, what do you care in the first place? I race it myself and don't talk shit about people just because other people are making fun of you, thats not how to make friends. Now you have probably one of the only people who felt bad that you were getting so much shit not really feeling bad anymore. graemlins/thumb.gif
  6. This is true. I feel bad for him.
  7. I like the original one with the blue lettering though, the one that Big Papa said he liked.
  8. I would also be offended if someone put a lock on a door thinking that I would try to go through their shit and stuff. I just started living in a dorm room this year and I have had no problem. All my life I ahve either had an entire floor to myself or a wing of a house so I thought I was going to have a huge problem. My room mate and I talked about stuff that we cared about and didn't care about from eating eachothers food to going through eachothers stuff to get something like DVDs or school supplies, this really helped I would have a talk with him like this and if you leave the talk with a positive attitude I would do it, a little extra money is always nice.
  9. I thought it was good and I've never seen the first two movies.
  10. pg

    Saw Stop.

    Thats awesome! How neat, that would have saved this kids finger at my school, he cut it of accidentally last year. My friend ran and put the finger on ice, I think it was saved and they put it back on.
  11. Hahaha. How fun. graemlins/lol.gif
  12. pg

    police autctions

    Yeah the cars that are at the police auctions are the cars that none of the police wanted. So their not normally good cars. An old friend of mines parents are cops and thats what her dad told me.
  13. pg

    Foil in the cube

    Thats kinda weird that someone would live like that. Hmm...
  14. It's sweet! I went there last year on a cruise, it was really nice, the rest of the town was a piece of shit though. They have like four restraunts in the place.
  15. pg

    $85 000 4banger

    It's pretty, but I would never spend that much money on it. Cool though.
  16. Oh no... you can only see the fat lady. That's really aweful.
  17. pg

    Joke, heh

    Hahaha. I like that. graemlins/lol.gif
  18. Wow, that would suck. If that happened to my basement I would have wanted to jump on the carpet.
  19. Hahahahahahaha. graemlins/lol.gif
  20. Yeah I got it. tongue.gif It was very funny, so funny in fact I got a great chuckle, thanks for the help.
  21. Wow, Marc, really what would that be? considering I don't really know my dad all to well maybe you could find something like that.
  22. Yeah, uhh I'll get my dad a hooker, I'm sure his wife would really like that Adam, you're such an ass. Thanks for the ideas everyone ither than Adam.
  23. So I don't really know my dad very well but I have to get him a Christmas present. I know he likes computers, airplanes, the beatles and dark chocolate and he does stuff with wood. So if any of you guys know of anything that you think a dad would like that would be sweet. Thanks. -Ryan
  24. Yeah, Dyson's are the shit, my mom just got one and it is so sweet. It has all these neeto thingys on it and stuff. And you don't even need to change the floor type setting on it you can just go from carpet to tile and it works great. Get a Dyson.
  25. pg

    Saturday 12/4

    Everyone should go!! It will be so much more fun if more people go, and its really not that cold outside considering how it's been. So everyone should go whos not doing anything!
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