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cptn janks

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Everything posted by cptn janks

  1. didnt the blitz have rover's morning glory for a while?
  2. this costs more than it saves. to be clear, im not condoning buying drugs with state money. but if you actually look at the stats, it is NOT cost effective. for example florida is spending 200K for their program... and out of about 7000 people who have taken the test, only something like 32 failed. that is less than one half of one percent. i feel like this money could be much better spent on maybe some type of training program, so that people could learn some skills and get a job and get off the program.
  3. going past hana and taking the pilani highway around the south west side is gravy. the road quality degrades a little bit, but its honestly no problem at all. ive seen worse roads in rural ohio. just watch out for cows. they are free range out there, and you will find them just standing in the road lol. if you want an adventure, drive around the north from wailuku to kapalua. that road gets pretty sketchy at some points... like a little wider than one lane. huge cliff to the ocean on one side, wall of rock on the other. if someone comes the other way, someone has to back up. when we were there, a couple locals were having a dispute about who was going to back up. neither of them wanted to. caused a huge traffic jam. we were stuck up there for like two hours.
  4. Mag should give you the service records. Some dealers are better about it than others. Some are just lazy and dont want to take the 5 seconds to do it. If they say the privacy law thing, give em a sharpie and tell them to go ahead and black out the prev owners name, addy, phone etc.
  5. figured id post up here and see if anyone had anything that was sitting in their yard pissing off the neighbors, or just taking up space in their garage, that they may want to get rid of for around $500.
  6. its already been ruled that pepper spraying non violent protesters is excessive. http://archive.ca9.uscourts.gov/ca9/newopinions.nsf/4AABD133965012F888256B3D0083536D/$file/9817250.pdf the use of pepper spray on the protestors' eyes and faces was plainly in excess of the force necessary under the circumstances, and no reasonable officer could have concluded otherwise.
  7. i never stop for that ish. if he wants me he's gotta waddle over and get in his cruiser and come get me. :dumb:
  8. http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2011/11/01/man-commits-suicide-in-shopping-center-lot.html
  9. i tried that, but the tape keeps pulling out hair with it.
  10. people always talk about drug testing for gov. assistance, but they never seem to include alcohol or tobacco in there...
  11. ahh so you're using a steam vac for this. makes sense lol those pics are from some dealership's website
  12. i understand its directional, but is there a special brush you use or something? http://i.imgur.com/fBVHI.jpg http://i.imgur.com/6zFwI.jpg
  13. if you google cat smother baby. first thing: snopes urban legend about cats sucking babys breath. not true. second thing: a page entitled Your Cat Will Not Smother Your Baby old wives tales and urban legends. next thing you're going to be telling us that if you swallow chewing gum it takes seven years to pass through your system, or that ice cream causes nightmares.
  14. lol cat trying to suffocate someone is probably top 5 most ignorant things ive EVER heard.
  15. it was a fuse in the box under the hood lol.
  16. the left side headlight is very dim. right side is fine, as is everything else. radio works fine, interior lights no prob... im thinking that there is a bad ground on that side... connection to the bulb seems fine. any other ideas/words of wisdom ?
  17. i think the majority of them are from dumbass cagers failing to yield right of way when making a left turn.
  18. this. happened on my malibu and my blazer too. must be a GM thing lol. condensation gets in there, then causes it to short out which makes it get hot and melt.
  19. i like the powder room. its a good place.
  20. Ron Paul to Sunshine Patriots: Stop Your Demagogy About The NYC Mosque! 24 Responses by RonPaul.com on August 20, 2010 Congressman Ron Paul today released the following statement on the controversy concerning the construction of an Islamic Center and Mosque in New York City: Is the controversy over building a mosque near ground zero a grand distraction or a grand opportunity? Or is it, once again, grandiose demagoguery? It has been said, “Nero fiddled while Rome burned.” Are we not overly preoccupied with this controversy, now being used in various ways by grandstanding politicians? It looks to me like the politicians are “fiddling while the economy burns.” The debate should have provided the conservative defenders of property rights with a perfect example of how the right to own property also protects the 1st Amendment rights of assembly and religion by supporting the building of the mosque. Instead, we hear lip service given to the property rights position while demanding that the need to be “sensitive” requires an all-out assault on the building of a mosque, several blocks from “ground zero.” Just think of what might (not) have happened if the whole issue had been ignored and the national debate stuck with war, peace, and prosperity. There certainly would have been a lot less emotionalism on both sides. The fact that so much attention has been given the mosque debate, raises the question of just why and driven by whom? In my opinion it has come from the neo-conservatives who demand continual war in the Middle East and Central Asia and are compelled to constantly justify it. They never miss a chance to use hatred toward Muslims to rally support for the ill conceived preventative wars. A select quote from soldiers from in Afghanistan and Iraq expressing concern over the mosque is pure propaganda and an affront to their bravery and sacrifice. The claim is that we are in the Middle East to protect our liberties is misleading. To continue this charade, millions of Muslims are indicted and we are obligated to rescue them from their religious and political leaders. And, we’re supposed to believe that abusing our liberties here at home and pursuing unconstitutional wars overseas will solve our problems. The nineteen suicide bombers didn’t come from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan or Iran. Fifteen came from our ally Saudi Arabia, a country that harbors strong American resentment, yet we invade and occupy Iraq where no al Qaeda existed prior to 9/11. Many fellow conservatives say they understand the property rights and 1st Amendment issues and don’t want a legal ban on building the mosque. They just want everybody to be “sensitive” and force, through public pressure, cancellation of the mosque construction. This sentiment seems to confirm that Islam itself is to be made the issue, and radical religious Islamic views were the only reasons for 9/11. If it became known that 9/11 resulted in part from a desire to retaliate against what many Muslims saw as American aggression and occupation, the need to demonize Islam would be difficult if not impossible. There is no doubt that a small portion of radical, angry Islamists do want to kill us but the question remains, what exactly motivates this hatred? If Islam is further discredited by making the building of the mosque the issue, then the false justification for our wars in the Middle East will continue to be acceptable. The justification to ban the mosque is no more rational than banning a soccer field in the same place because all the suicide bombers loved to play soccer. Conservatives are once again, unfortunately, failing to defend private property rights, a policy we claim to cherish. In addition conservatives missed a chance to challenge the hypocrisy of the left which now claims they defend property rights of Muslims, yet rarely if ever, the property rights of American private businesses. Defending the controversial use of property should be no more difficult than defending the 1st Amendment principle of defending controversial speech. But many conservatives and liberals do not want to diminish the hatred for Islam–the driving emotion that keeps us in the wars in the Middle East and Central Asia. It is repeatedly said that 64% of the people, after listening to the political demagogues, don’t want the mosque to be built. What would we do if 75% of the people insist that no more Catholic churches be built in New York City? The point being is that majorities can become oppressors of minority rights as well as individual dictators. Statistics of support is irrelevant when it comes to the purpose of government in a free society—protecting liberty. The outcry over the building of the mosque, near ground zero, implies that Islam alone was responsible for the 9/11 attacks. According to those who are condemning the building of the mosque, the nineteen suicide terrorists on 9/11 spoke for all Muslims. This is like blaming all Christians for the wars of aggression and occupation because some Christians supported the neo-conservative’s aggressive wars. The House Speaker is now treading on a slippery slope by demanding a Congressional investigation to find out just who is funding the mosque—a bold rejection of property rights, 1st Amendment rights, and the Rule of Law—in order to look tough against Islam. This is all about hate and Islamaphobia. We now have an epidemic of “sunshine patriots” on both the right and the left who are all for freedom, as long as there’s no controversy and nobody is offended. Political demagoguery rules when truth and liberty are ignored.
  21. micromachine lol. there used to be a guy on 161 between new albany and newark that had an old lincoln body on a truck frame. cool shit.
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