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cptn janks

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Everything posted by cptn janks

  1. or he was a dumbass and got ripped off.
  2. outsource everything to third world countries where you can make someone work 18 hours each day for pennies with no repercussions?
  3. and are like 200 dollars cheaper too.
  4. this one's still for sale http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Y6tUqgqFWDo/S1tRdas-0SI/AAAAAAAACxI/69Q0kWhKf6M/s640/DSC06919.JPG
  5. if i remember correctly, last winter on the news they said you CAN make a claim to the city/state/county whoever is in charge of the road, but they have to have at least three complaints about the pothole before its considered negligent. so IMO its pretty much a dead end road. even if they DID have three or more complaints, i dont know how you'd prove it. they probably keep a record for the first two then throw away every one after that.
  6. cool gun. looks like its in great condition too. i have an enfield ishapore in decent condition, but not at nice as that. no clue what its really worth. i got it for 75 bucks at an estate sale.
  7. truth. nothing will ever be accomplished until people start working together and compromise.
  8. it depends on what the speedometer/odometer is run off of. on my ninja its run off the front wheel, so no, a sprocket will not affect it whatsoever. however, some bikes speedo/odometer is run off the transmission, in which case the rear sprocket will affect the milage. that said, i dont think 13K is high miles at all. especially for a honda. if it was an 04 accord with 13K would THAT be high miles? not at all.
  9. more like ask an attorney lol. in my experience, cops are usually not as knowledgeable about the law as one would hope. i think their philosophy is along the lines of "ticket them anyway, and let the courts sort it out."
  10. if i have an open case of beer in my car with beers missing, can you be ticketed for open container? what about a single unopened can or bottle floating around the car somewhere? reason i ask, is because my friend said it was illegal, and a "friend of a friend" got busted for it... in my experience, a friend of a friend is a usually a highly dubious source... also, im presuming a couple things in the scenario here. one, im not drunk. two, i havent been drinking (i.e. no evidence of consumption). say my friend drank 3 of the beers, then gave me the rest, im driving them home and get pulled over.
  11. lol that was funny. he is right though.
  12. the biggest dick move in driving is when its clearly obvious a lane is closed/ending, and the douchebags get in that lane and force themselves in at the front of the line.
  13. people dont use signals because as soon as it comes on the cocksucker in the next lane speeds up so you cant get in.
  14. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=12.322317,40.253906&ie=UTF8&ll=51.514959,-0.228567&spn=0.001582,0.004914&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=51.514926,-0.228765&panoid=cRXQyRB9ywmaZVKuBSddWw&cbp=12,146.0064180401871,,2,-12.084480108548325
  15. my biggest beef with WOW, was how they talked up the fact that they carried the NFL network, but they neglected to mention they do not actually show the games that are on NFL network. so on thursday nights, i was stuck watching bloopers or something instead of the game that everyone else in the world was watching.
  16. i can do it with my 1911. not ideal, but in a pinch it could work. IIRC they make rear sights that are made for catching on a boot or belt or something.
  17. har har har im about 6'4 maybe 175 or so. seems like lots of votes for mens wearhouse. ill try to check it out tomorrow
  18. im tall and lanky too. sometimes have trouble finding stuff that fits well. buying pants is always a crapshoot. either they fit around the waist but only go down to about 3 inches above my ankle, or they are long enough, but way too big in the waist. ballpark figure on cost?
  19. good places to go/places to not go? not really looking to break the bank, but not pinching pennies either really...
  20. safer in the sense that you arent going to have a ND... probably. but safer in the sense that "im about to get killed and need to defend mysef"? no. you may not have enough time to rack the slide in a defense situation... maybe you just sustained an injury to your hand/arm whatever and CANT rack the slide, even if you wanted to... (maybe you could use your boot or belt) id rather not chance it.
  21. my ruger was a double action, so i carried it with one in the pipe, hammer down. pull the trigger and go. 1911, condition 1, as others have said the glock, yeah, pretty much has to be. there is no way to "decock" it.
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