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Everything posted by Kuruma

  1. I'll take an offer on the AE86, and if I like it, then I'll accept it, if not, then no dice. Open to trades if they're reasonable, cars low end bikes, and scooters all considered, or at *least* 600. Pics: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y26/Kuruma_Kitsune/PICT0032.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y26/Kuruma_Kitsune/PICT0030.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y26/Kuruma_Kitsune/PICT0019.jpg
  2. I dunno... The turbo 3-cyl engine out of the Pontiac Firefly Turbo (Canadian Metro) actually puts out a good deal more power and can make for a pretty nice car. Of course, I've also seen people swap in the 1.3 liter Swift GTi 4-cyl engines and get pretty crazy with them. Rode in a convertible Metro with one that was putting out 130+hp and redlined at 9,000 RPM. Not bad at all. Still a bit slow for the amount of work put into it, but not bad at all for a Metro.
  3. The car is somewhat loud, yes. Someone put a mid-pipe on the car, I believe. If someone has, or plans to get an FC shell, there's plenty of good parts to transfer into the titled shell so you can build a decent RX-7. Cheaper then you would probably pay buying the parts piece by piece.
  4. Uh... Yeah... OS 9 and previous were "problematic"... But OS X 10.3.9 is nice, even on my G3 iBook.
  5. Yes, the top goes up and down with no complaint at all, looks like crap, but does not leak, the only rust there is is a little at the very bottom edges of the 1/4s, nothing major. Like I said though, clutch is out. I have a replacement clutch disc with 5,000 miles on it that Miles gave me, and 2 extra doors. Car can *not* legally be operated on a public street, parts/track only. If you buy it and put illegal plates on it to drive it, it's at your own risk, I've warned ya. I'll see if I can get access to my friend's cam. If not, I'll try to work out a time with someone if they want to see it in person.
  6. Bump. I'm moving on or around the 1st, so this probably has to go. Parking is limited where I'm moving to, and I can't really have 3 cars in the lot there. Someone buy this.
  7. 75% General American English 10% Upper Midwestern 10% Yankee 5% Dixie 0% Midwestern Fun.
  8. So in a roundabout way, people driving a Geo Storm (which is pretty much an Impulse FWD hatch anyway) can pretend they're driving a Lotus.
  9. Post your car for sale in The Corral. Someone here might buy it. Hell, I've done a head gasket on a RWD car (albeit a 4-cyl carbureted vehicle, not a V6 or V8 with EFI) myself, it's not a big deal. Of course, if the worst it needs done is a head gasket, why not just do it yourself, or let someone on here who wants to do it on the cheap in their spare time take care of it for you, and either have a decent running car in the end, or get more money out of the sale because the car is no longer "broken"?
  10. Lotus also had their hands in the Pontiac Fiero, during the last year of it's production. I believe they did some work on the suspension to improve the car's handling.
  11. Pics too please. My boss wants a winter beater, and seemed interested when I mentioned this one. kuruma.kitsune.ae86 at gmail.com (replace with @)
  12. The saddest thing about that is that I've been forced to "drift" (more like powerslide) around a GMC van and a Nissan pickup one after the other near where I live because the GMC decided to start making a left turn into the complex right as I was .5 seconds from occupying the space that his van was about to turn through with my Probe, while Mr. Ugly Black Nissan Pickup With Ugly Spoiler decides now is the best possible time to make a right turn into the only available lane to get into to avoid this retarded ass pirate. Why the fuck are these people getting licenses?
  13. I drank all the time while under 21, and never drove a car under the influence when I was underage either. Personally, I don't see a problem with underage drinking if it's done after 18, and in the privacy of the home/apartment, and no cars get involved, just like the way I did it. When a car gets involved though, fuck it. DUI is bad no matter how old you are.
  14. Hey, if you really do wanna buy it, nobody's *committed* to buying it just yet, and the sooner I get my 'stang, the better.
  15. Friday night I was putting in my hours doing the whole pizza delivery thing, and I get a delivery to the house right next door to Passen, so I'm about to turn left into the customer's driveway, and this douchebag in a blue Intrepid comes whipping up out of nowhere, trying to pass me on the wrong side of the road, and almost takes out my front end right in the process as he almost swerves into the customer's driveway/the sorta driveway area of Passen's entrance. Fuck you, this is America and we drive on the right, knobgobbler.
  16. I'll run him with my Probe GL on a road course (Drag says nothing about the driver except how he or she can shift.) once I've done the axle and clutch. It's a fucking NA Neon. Easy kill even for a 2.2L NA Probe.
  17. Yup, that's the one. I want to get rid of it now because there's a Mustang I can get pretty cheap, 4-cyl auto, but good body, good candidate for an engine swap and 5-speed conversion.
  18. First 250 takes it, car is kinda rough looking, engine runs, but clutch is out. Need the 250 to pick up a project that interests me a little more. Car is for track/parts only, no title.
  19. I'll be excited once it's back to the way it was, .99/gallon, till then I'll just be "appeased"
  20. Got a 91 Probe that runs and drives, the RX-7 is a parts only car, and the AE86 isn't back up yet.
  21. My Probe GL is a 5-speed, interested in trading?
  22. Found a CRX Si for under $600 in cinci, anyone want to buy either the AE86 and fix it up a bit, or the 'vert as a track/parts car? I really want this thing for some odd reason. Can't outright sell the Probe tho (can trade it however), having a running car is my source of income right now.
  23. I like my G3 iBook. Does everything I want, and doesn't need any messing with to work right on OS X (10.3.9). Nuff said.
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