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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Kevin R.


    It's fun to stay there.
  2. Kevin R.


    Forgot about that place. It is right down the road, however, if they charge anything like they do to get in the "waterpark" it will be ridiculously expensive.
  3. Kevin R.


    Let me know. What is the $36 for usually? A month?
  4. Kevin R.


    Well I go to school at OU and take advantage of their workout center for most of the year. I am home for Christmas break until January and just want somewhere to go. Will probably be me and a buddy. Just curious if you can even do that I don't know how it works.
  5. Kevin R.


    Or if you know a better option in the Canal Winchester area that would be money.
  6. Kevin R.


    Isn't there one in Groveport? I need a gym to go to for about a month while I am home and don't want to pay a shit load. Anyone know if there is a Y there on Brice...I thought there was but don't remember for sure. If anyone has been there and knows how much they charge or if you can even do it monthly let me know.
  7. Can you get an interpretor? You are just too smart for me to read your posts.
  8. Nah. 2 Girls 1 Cup is nastier. That was just kind of funny.
  9. No shit. I'd be so fucking drunk and probably have 9 kinds of STD's.
  10. Okay, understandable Scott. Didn't know they had it playing at your work . That would indeed suck.
  11. Holy tits. I have been back from Athens for 2 days and haven't had Chipotle. I forgot all about it. Add that to things to do tomorrow. Thanks.
  12. +1 Christmas and everything that comes with it is awesome. Just change the station.
  13. Sounds like the shit most lawn care companies do. Hope you come out on top.
  14. This thread sucks dong. Email STS with your powerful knowledge and maybe they will stop selling these kits you hate so much.
  15. Little too much for me. Just want to play music with a decent looking deck.
  16. True. But it was worked for like 7 years so that is not too shabby.
  17. Let me know what you have. My Pioneer is starting to take a shit on me, blinking on and off until I shove the face plate in (unless someone knows a fix to this). Pics preferable. Thanks.
  18. I missed about all of them. I just drink the shit. Alcoholics don't care how it is made.
  19. That is fucking awesome.
  20. Ima come shoot you all. If this shit goes down in "Canal-BFE-Winchester" I'm in. Hometown style yo.
  21. Time? Equipment? Camera crew to capture a domino of cars and burning hay? Shit adds up man.
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