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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Interested as well DJ.
  2. I'm not bashing women, just saying I haven't seen it. I haven't seen a friend who has seen it. So I mean, I am the kind of person that doesn't believe in shit I don't see. So do the math.
  3. Also, chic is hot. Reminds me of Melissa Midwest. :nod:
  4. I know. I couldn't figure out why they dance like white people. Shit was funny.
  5. They did good on this one..finally a retro that isn't ruined.
  6. I'll never put up with a girl fucking around on me and it is sad that I have learned that well before the age of 20. Don't put up with that shit because it will happen again and in the mean time you could be out meeting the girl who won't do that shit (if they exist..still might be a myth).
  7. That actually sounds the opposite of nice. "Hey, I am leaving for the Navy in 10 days mom. Sorry I didn't tell you sooner."
  8. I rock the Mustang all winter long. Trips to school and back. As long as you don't drive like a douche-fuck all should be fine. AWD SUV attempted to pass me one time on an icy bridge and went straight into the wall. I felt bad but found it funny at the same time. Some people should learn how to drive in the snow.
  9. You always seem to have amazing cars. Nice numbers and nice car.
  10. Nuke em' all. Make a big race track.
  11. Busiest day at work I have had in awhile. People must wait until the snow to realize their tires suck balls.
  12. Agreed. I drive a Mustang all winter on street tires. Pussy.
  13. Almost a feeler, but I would be down if I found something I like. I don't know why, but I want a pick-up truck instead of a car. Must be the Kentucky blood in me. I don't want some POS either. My car isn't top notch but it is better than a rusted out 76 Silverado. Let me know what you have if you are interested and I will PM you all the details. If I have to post a price, I will take $15,000, no less. Is my car worth $15,000? No. But I like to follow rules.
  14. Yes, to answer your question. Yes we do. Pics of bimmer.
  15. Good catch on their part.
  16. Amazing looking car. I wish I had the money. GL with the sale.
  17. However the fuck you found this worries me more.
  18. That is fuckin' awesome.
  19. I played beer pong. By myself. Running back and forth between both sides. Was fuckin' intense. Sounds like a good weekend mang.
  20. I hope this was a joke.
  21. All I know is Tilley only reappears for sports analysis lately. Oh, and you're crazy if you think Hawaii should be in the NC game only because they are undefeated. I can beat a bunch of blind third graders 80 games in a row, but I can't play in the NFL.
  22. Righteo. As long as you don't wear it 5 days a week you won't be gay. That being said. I hate bluetooth. If you don't have time to answer your phone, then call them back. It is that simple. I am a high supporter of voicemail.
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