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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Also, thanks to all those serving our country who can't be home this holiday. Glad those like Brian and many others on the board can be home to enjoy some home-made turkey. We appreciate everything that you guys and girls do.
  2. I do have awesome LSD....wait.....what?
  3. Hope everyone has a good one. Relax, watch some football, eat that turkey and take a sweet nap.
  4. Damn it. All the girls I fuck must be gay.
  5. I don't go to junkyards. We custom fabricate any parts we need using aircraft quality aluminum in our basement-run machine shop. My Mustang weighs 1,040lbs dry.
  6. I will as well do it topless for $50.
  7. Kevin R.

    Audi moron

    Understandable. :nod:
  8. Yeah, 'cause that happens ALL the time.
  9. Kevin R.

    Audi moron

    It says many many times in those threads that they are jokes. Read shit.
  10. Videotape it. So if something goes horribly wrong we can at least get a good laugh out of your third degree burns.
  11. I am not going to lie I kind of like it.
  12. Pretty awesome how they do that. Pretty funny.
  13. Oh Jesus. This is gonna be a good one. I'll let Brian handle this one.
  14. Kevin R.


    Fuck all that. I'll do push-ups for free.
  15. Where is my 200 orgasms a day? Id be skeetin on everything.
  16. Had this happen to me on my drive back to Athens down 33. Fucker rode my ass for a mile, speeds around me, gets in my lane directly in front of me (no other cars around...no need to be in my lane) and then slows down to like 40. The whole time I am wondering what the fuck is going on...felt like I was in a movie or some shit. Then he slams his brakes directly in front of me and crosses the median (for no apparent reason). That highway patrol ftw!
  17. Kevin R.

    I Am Legend

    Also, it is a movie.
  18. Kevin R.


    Quit killin' my thread pRick.
  19. Probably people who don't want you running over their kids.
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