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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. I agree 100%. These are liablities essentially you speak of, not assets. If the real estate market falls into the shitter you are not going to get your 500,000 back. But like he said, you won't get back ( most of the time ) more than what you put in, present value equation yo.
  2. Anuda day dats all dat is...just aduta day
  3. I sucked on this girls titties once and they tasted like pepto bismol? what?
  4. You are an idiot. If you were rich you wouldn't have a problem with it so why should they? I hope one day I can help fuck up the economy with my insanely rich ass.
  5. Speaking of army boy and rap songs....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBNI9FuXGdk
  6. I almost didn't make it passed 10 seconds, but it got better. I chuckled when he was flingin the hose around.
  7. You are speaking my language buddy. Let me know when and where.
  8. I am pretty sure that video is sped up then slowed back down at the end. I saw the original around somewhere and it is not THAT fast. You can hear it in the sound as well.
  9. I believe education can be encompassed in the cheesy phrase of "there is a difference between listening and hearing." Education is when one listens with the intent to gain knowledge to better themself, simply know more about something, or they just find something interesting. I believe that to be educated is to hold onto a continuous gain of knowledge. To stop listening or taking in knowledge is to stop being educated. Say for instance we gained knowledge but stopped learning in the third grade, we would not 10 years later be considered educated. One has to have a drive to continuously and voluntarily learn and gain this knowledge. The difference I see is take a mechanic for instance. Someone showing him how to work his first computer who has been doing it for years may SEE him as uneducated. But, if you were to reverse the tables I bet he could show the computer guy everything about cars. However, if the mechanic stopped learning and educating himself about new cars and new things eventually he will be seen as uneducated by those even wanting to know about cars, and even by the computer guy. This can be seen vice versa between the two as well. So, in cliffs, to be educated is to continuously strive to gain knowledge and make a voluntary act to gain this knowledge. It cannot be forced into you, because listening is not the same as hearing. It is a voluntary action. My thoughts.
  10. I love when people propose an argument on CR and think no one will have a conflicting opinion. Get over it, not everyone agrees with you Dr. Rick Jr.
  11. What is this? A fucking opinion final? I don't get it.
  12. Guy brought one in to work today. The mobile tv on that shit looks damn good.
  13. I don't know if you are thinking of me or not, but I work at the Canal location. Not much help to ya unless you wanna drive.
  14. If I didn't say it someone else would have.
  15. I do this shit all day.
  16. Found this funny. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1790788
  17. Not all girls have giant man-hands.
  18. Actually they will all probably know who it is after close when they go get baked and laugh about it.
  19. This is for all the guys on here who say "If you can't please her you must not be doing something right."
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