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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Kevin R.

    Hey everybody

    This thread is awesome. Can we let him come back only to post in this thread?
  2. I think cocaine is the only acceptable drug they should be using. Pizza in 2 minutes FTW!
  3. /enddebate People who smoke weed will NEVER, EVER see the other side of the story. So end this debate now. I have personally seen a friend go down the shitter because of pot and didn't do a damn other drug in his life.
  4. Also, just to say it first, I doubt he was going 219 based on inaccuracy of speedos.
  5. That video was fuckin' sweet though.
  6. Alcohol is the gateway to pussy.
  7. Kevin R.

    NFS: Pro Street

    I thought the game was badass when I played it at a friends. Fun as hell and well set up.
  8. I think that is the way I see it as well. You randomly drug testing EVERYONE and firing those who fail, possible repercussions from some stupid shit, etc. = thousands of dollars. You holding a meeting or some shit and letting your employees know what is up = free. Then, later, if you catch them in the act and actually 100% know who it is, FIRED = free.
  9. Actually I am against smoking pot, just not against people who do it. I guess my only point is THEY MAKE FUCKING PIZZA. Do I want my airline pilot high? Absolutely not. Do I care if they guy throwing cheese and placing pepporonis on my pizza can't even spell his own name? No. Also, I believe the thing of drug testing everybody to find one person is bullshit. You might get the guy fired who had a puff at a party over the weekend fired for no reason. At a mechanics shop or a dealership you don't all get drug tested if something goes wrong, only if you wreck a car or some shit. Then there is an automatic drug test for THAT person. Plus, I believe everyone will think he is a tight-ass for a boss. I think the easiest and highly-effective way to resolve it would be have a meeting and just spell it out in a friendly manner, "Look, I know someone was smoking pot in my bathroom the other day. If you're going to do that shit, take it out of here because it can get MY ass in trouble and then I would be forced to fire one or all of you." The efficiency of someone knowing that someone else is aware of what they are doing will either lead them to be A. Super careful about smoking pot at work or B. Stop doing it altogether. That would mean your problem is solved because either B happens or you won't know about A.
  10. Yeah. Skimping on a procedure in the inside of your mouth...a cesspool for fucking bacteria is just asking for infection.
  11. True. If it makes you feel disrespected...understandable. I just mean the whole cop/meeting/etc thing...maybe just find out who it is through word of mouth and that be the end of it. I don't know...seems excessive.
  12. I don't smoke or support smoking weed at all...that is a different story. But at the pizza place I used to work at they all got high as shit. In the back freezer...everyone knew. I don't know...I am not saying don't take it seriously...but they are making fucking pizza. I wanted to be drunk most the time.
  13. Kevin R.

    Gun Season

    My first time out hunting on Friday. I'm killin' somethin. Don't come around me. Human meat is good too.
  14. Badass gun. Going huntin Friday myself...can't wait.
  15. Awesome awesome game. Thanks Arkansas.
  16. Yeah I don't think your friend took it. I saw it in an email a while ago.
  17. I dodged the bullet by my pee test not allowing me to start back to work yet today. Will probably have to go back tomorrow and I am guessing NTB will be even busier than it was today. Shitty.
  18. Family left our house in record time this year. Time to go get drunk as a skunk and tell bitches to suck me off cuz' it's what the pilgrims did on Thanksgiving.
  19. And a triple Thanksgiving Day post in honor of Tilley who has not been around.
  20. That almost sounds bad, but I kind of want to see some now.
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