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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Jesus. 10 million dollars for a motor oil ad.
  2. I don't remember where you were during all the last IPS vs. XXXX debates or if you have just changed your tune but I say "bravo" to that response as a representative of your company.
  3. I mildly hit that on the head. My essay focused on the breakup of the Ottoman Empire after WWI and the split the the British and French caused by creating physical boundaries, where under previous Ottoman rule many ethnic groups lived in cultural pluralism and based their identities on religion and not so much statehood. These new identities based on physical boundary created new nationalisms and the fight for land as well as different forms of nationalism including Westernization which many Muslim religious groups were not fond of because a Western-style government goes against the belief that people should follow Islamic law and not democratically or authoritarian placed laws. Only thing I fucked up probably was I forgot half the fucking back-up documents of these points I made. I'm going to PM you every class now.
  4. LOL. I am no help, but that is kind of funny. I guess if you are a generally cool guy (guessin so or you couldn't have bullshitted into a job) you could pull off a good interview. I would guess take good ass notes and/or tape record it. I am thinking if you bullshitted into a job, you can bullshit through an interview. I bet the hard part will be writing shit in a way that is interesting and not just , "So, XXXX, why did you do XXXX?" "Well, because XXXX and I love hoes."
  5. Here for the entertainment. Although I see little response in the future.
  6. At least in ''real life'' you can make 30G's a year instead of spending it.
  7. I took it today. The question was "why was there conflict in the Middle East in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries" with emphasis on the causes in historical context, not really present day 9/11 stuff. I bullshitted for a couple pages. Probably not good. But oh well. Aced the rest of my classes.
  8. My car tops out at 138 with the gearing. No running for me, haha.
  9. Gotcha. I can deal with bullshit all day as long as it doesn't have to do with ancient China and shit. Oh well. It's over. I probably failed. Fuck it.
  10. Are you guys gay? Who doesn't love tits? Don't be jealous he got fucking loaded by looking at them.
  11. LOL. What the fuck is real life have to do with going to school? Working? Fucking? Paying bills? I do that too amigo. This isn't Middle School.
  12. Never have. I can function at normal times during the day like everyone else but sleep doesn't come before 2am for me even if I have to get up at 4am. Sucks balls sometimes. But I will get like 2 extra years of life by not sleeping.
  13. Haha. This is why I hate being part of the Night Crew, for pointless shit. Porn and CR is the only thing that keeps me goin'.
  14. ...cuz History can blow my fat dick. What kind of fucking class makes the final exam a choice between two broad as fuck questions? "Why are we fighting in the middle East?" and some other shit. WTF? The midterm I got shitted on cuz my opinion didn't match teacher's on an exam that "can be answered any way you see fit so long as you back your up your argument". Also, who makes a class out of 100 points? Now, essentially I must ace this mind-blowing question of opinion that will be fought back with the professors opposite opinion to fuck my grade. I just know my job interview they will ask me who the 3rd president of fucking Syria was and why he caused turbulence in their country. "History repeats itself." Sweet, then why am I learning it? I'll just live it the second time it comes around. Here is my exam I have so far: "They are fucking crazy. Jihad mo' fucka. Jihad. That is why there is tension." Followed by a sweet picture of bombs and shit. We'll see how it goes. /3amtiredrant
  15. Unless someone just smacked his head like I did when I hit a buck. But yeah, if they hit it dead on it is probably fucked. Plus, if it's piss sacker broke might as well throw er in the trash. Plus, depending on how long it was there, people probably ran over it making it even worse.
  16. Good thinkin'. Rick, chop er' up and get the meat processed and then send me some. Much easier.
  17. Fuuuck I want it, but you're so far away.
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