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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Looks like a clusterfuck.
  2. No way is that chopped with two angles that good. Your owning a bike coolness immediately goes away when you put that on the back.
  3. When will police officers start being held accountable for their bullshit? I mean I am far from FTP! kinda guy and the ones who really "protect and serve" I <3, but there has to be some recourse for cops who are just "out to get someone". The more stories I hear the more ridiculous it is.
  4. Ok, so I went and told my neighbor his porch light glisten keeps me up all night. He seemed kind of irritated, but eventually gave in. Well, then his living room light is on and also glistens through my window. So, I went back over there and asked him politely if he could live in the dark or in candle light when I want to sleep. He told me to go fuck myself and now there is a 16000000 candle power halogen moose spotting light pointed at my window. What a douche right?
  5. Any place where you can drink, play pool, and watch ugly girls get naked for free is okay in my book.
  6. I'm going to ask my neighbor to turn off their porch lights tonight because I can see them glisten through my window and although I could just close my blinds I don't want to because I am an open window enthusiast and it would take me forever to dust them properly when I close them.
  7. That dude is fucking abnormally giant. I mean I have seen fat, but not gigundo face fat. They are my new favorite rappers so fuck you. But honestly, if I didn't have to watch the video with it, it is probably better than 90% of the rap on the radio.
  8. You would shit your pants if you drove by the golf course sprinklers that pretty much wash my car every night as the golf course weaves its way through a well-traveled neighborhood road. Chill the shit out or turn around next time if you are THAT worried about it. I love a clean car and all but not enough to stop and tell someone to turn their sprinklers off.
  9. Sounds like we made the right choice by going across the lot to dirty butt Sinbads. Cold beer and boobies.
  10. It's all about the benjamins baby. Have you ever read one of the capacity signs on the wall and said to yourself, "No way would 56 people fit in this elevator". I bet they fill that bitch up....
  11. Shit like this will be rolling across Barrett Jackson for a 100 million (inflation) in a hundred years.
  12. I tried to go to the Jamey Johnson concert there and quickly passed. 40 mile line waiting to get in + no seats meant me wanting to punch every mother fucker in there and 75 minute waits for a beer. This was my perception so correct me if I am wrong.
  13. http://www.babble.com/CS/blogs/strollerderby/2008/05/23-End/taser.jpg Always straightened me out.
  14. Make fun all you want, but that looks like some good quality fun.
  15. I'm ready for school to start so I can see some tittays.
  16. Dude, you're fine. Just build one. We have a table that you can burn shit in and it sits not 10 feet from our house in a neighborhood.
  17. I always wanted them to put the cool shit most people own personally in a game. Now, most people don't know Cobra Rs, but a foxbody none the less.
  18. He keeps a car in his kitchen?
  19. Your garage floor is ballin'
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