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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. You know you care I'm attending. :marc:
  2. Throw cheese into a tortilla, wrap up, microwave for 37.4 seconds, load up on Frank's Red Hot --> Enjoy.
  3. Damn all that shit looks delicious.
  4. Mine actually holds some useful information just to show you how easy it is to Google things. By simply Googling crab legs, lobster tails....shit like that I was able to come up with: http://www.great-alaska-seafood.com/kingcrab.htm?acp=6528&gclid=CJLPn5bXxZcCFQKaFQod7ws3Rw http://www.gortonsfreshseafood.com/?GCID=C12131x003&KEYWORD=seafood+delivery&gclid=CP-pjazXxZcCFQIWFQodqTtjSw http://www.livelob.com/Store/Product.aspx?ID=SEAFOOD&SCID=G And there are approx. 1,000,000 more.
  5. Bullshit. The piranha I used to have wouldn't even eat a damn hot dog. Now I'm pissed.
  6. http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGLS_en-USUS298US304&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=crablegs,+lobster+tails....shit+like+that.
  7. It is Dubai, they do what they want. Filthy rich.
  8. More than likely in. I owe everyone a showcase of my skills since I couldn't make it to Jason's.
  9. LOL +1 I don't think someone would go through that much work to make this fake.
  10. Agreed. I don't like throwing down a shit ton of money on poker games. First of all, it makes it more serious than fun for some and also I am not that great of a poker player.
  11. I'd be in if the cigar establishment dealy works out, if it is set up before I head back to school that is.
  12. That is an awesome amount of toys!
  13. Very fake, but fucking funny. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=112455661
  14. He works at a place with "Accessory Center" in the name and you expect his truck to be subtle? Welcome.
  15. Best one out. http://www.youjizz.com
  16. Seriously? I love this show. It is called Whale Wars. It is very entertaining.
  17. Fuck that. They are supervised and have someone telling them their every move when they are entrusted with an automatic weapon. I don't trust an 18-year old running around with a pistol whether he is from the National Guard or not.
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