1) Go back and confidently say you'll make the move, and take this opportunity as far as it will go.
2) Interviews go well, offer is decent.
3) Move to Cali, rent place (so no yard work) and run around as hard as you can after this position. Make connections, have a great time.
4) Always keep an eye out for an opportunity to come back to Columbus.
5) In 3-5 years, you'll be back and happy you did it.
I just think of all the times you've gotten shot down for job advancement, Brian. My God man...you have no kids...now is the time to go after a position like this. Mothball the Pontiac and take the DD out there. Figure out living arrangements after getting up to speed with the position.
Who knows? You may get some sales/business development job with a performance parts company out of the NHRA gig that will get you and the wife back to C'Bus with a career making six-figs you never would've gotten if you didn't get inside the industry...
EDIT: I just saw your comments about cost-of-living concerns: what can the wifey do out there for a job?