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Everything posted by zeitgeist57

  1. Wow....forgot about Trump running independent. That would make the GOP side blow apart like a house of cards in a hurricane. Oh yes, CR...the wackier times in this election are in front of us.
  2. Wow....forgot about Trump running independent. That would make the GOP side blow apart like a house of cards in a hurricane. Oh yes, CR...the wackier times in this election are in front of us.
  3. Wouldn't the baking soda/coffee grounds option be a good starting point? The next two weeks you take finding an ionizer could be time that the baking soda is doing it's job.
  4. zeitgeist57


    http://jalopnik.com/elio-motors-just-delayed-its-deliveries-again-again-1764881066 THANKS OBAMA LOL at Jalopnik's gif.
  5. +100. 1) Go back and confidently say you'll make the move, and take this opportunity as far as it will go. 2) Interviews go well, offer is decent. 3) Move to Cali, rent place (so no yard work) and run around as hard as you can after this position. Make connections, have a great time. 4) Always keep an eye out for an opportunity to come back to Columbus. 5) In 3-5 years, you'll be back and happy you did it. I just think of all the times you've gotten shot down for job advancement, Brian. My God man...you have no kids...now is the time to go after a position like this. Mothball the Pontiac and take the DD out there. Figure out living arrangements after getting up to speed with the position. Who knows? You may get some sales/business development job with a performance parts company out of the NHRA gig that will get you and the wife back to C'Bus with a career making six-figs you never would've gotten if you didn't get inside the industry... EDIT: I just saw your comments about cost-of-living concerns: what can the wifey do out there for a job?
  6. Not really, but the primary is a populist vote so it sends a message. You never know what the future holds... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/kasich-trum-contested-convention_us_56e77715e4b065e2e3d71f9c Plus, let's say Kasich wins Ohio and a few other states (or even only wins Ohio) but still loses: the delegates he's won will go towards the front-runner candidate anyway. So...at least in Ohio, a vote for Kasich shows some form of state pride - while shaking up a crazy political process a little more.
  7. I have to give props to Ronnie. I brought over my wire wheels and adapters because I wasn't able to get one of them seated properly on the adapter (yes, I was using the correct knockoff). I really appreciated his knowledge of wheels and the lowrider scene, as he was able to show me some things the internet didn't teach me. He ended up getting everything set up properly, and I couldn't be happier with his help. Didn't charge me anything, but said he'd keep an eye out for some used 2-bar or 3-bar knockoffs to sharpen the appearance of the wheels for cheap. Solid guy with a deep knowledge of the DIY automotive aftermarket. Looking forward to doing some CC&C stuff with his shop this season!
  8. I was just at J.Nutter Designs talking to Ronnie, and he was in the process of turning some BMW X5 wheels back to Wheel Medic to re-powder some matte wheels where the finish was brittle and cracking just from the tire installation. Was thinking of this thread as he's had a heck of a time with their quality.
  9. Obviously not suggesting VatoZone fake fender vents, but with the red/black motif up top, a Bit of bright work front and rear would balance those wheels nicely, look good when the top is down.
  10. Casey, I meant to tell you that the consensus is you need a splash of chrome on the front to balance out the bright work on the wheels. http://www.carid.com/2010-chevy-camaro-chrome-accessories/ri-fog-light-bezels-26446187.html?gclid=CLO64sCFvssCFQiqaQodcUIPYA Dat LOPE is DOPE, doe...
  11. http://media.graytvinc.com/images/shots_fired.jpg
  12. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view4/20140413/5016570/always-bet-on-black-o.gif
  13. Is that a spotlight in front of the FC? I would toss Cleetus in a second to get a longbed FC170...
  14. +1. Though, I've been intrigued at The Obama Presidency in the last couple of years: 1) GOP-led Congress continues gridlock against Obama. 2) Obama issues executive order towards intended goal. 3) People are fed from a liberal-biased media, and don't care. Can't say I blame our President for his course of action to get things done. As a Rockefeller Republican myself, both sides of the political debate have become so polarized it's difficult to see any candidate that brings us all together.
  15. Props for a couple of cool street racers from different sides of the track, doing a race what would put a LOT of Internet squabbles to bed.
  16. See ya, man! Safe travels and good luck. I'd say that Ohio's a place worth staying, but I'm posting from FL :gabe: Winter is for the birds.
  17. That thing looks unstoppable. Loved watching it pwn the terrain around it, and it looked like it just floated over obstacles.
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