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Everything posted by zeitgeist57

  1. Why strive to be more intelligent? Our society gives a trophy to every participant, regardless of outcome, and grades on a steadily-declining, Thorne-like bell curve: if not enough ididoths make the grade, lower the standards. Mediocracy is accepted, even encouraged in certain sectors of our economy. This study doesn't surprise me at all.
  2. FYI, clicked on this link expecting good deal on a local microbrew. WAS DISAPPOINT. Now thirsty for beer.
  3. Good call. Will email seller first: "Is the picture of the $3.70 hat accurate, or is the DESCRIPTION accurate? I'm not pledging any loyalties hurr...just wanna be sure of what sort of cheap hat I'm buying."
  4. ...and we need more of dems, plz! http://www.autoblog.com/2013/10/07/mythbusters-four-way-stop-roundabout-video-poll/#continued
  5. DID'JA DO A TASTE TEST??? DJ, it is every bit as fun as you remember. For my cheap-ass, it's amazing how fun these arcade games are when I don't have a quarter on the line! Rick and I had a blast the whole time. Waitresses aren't dumb, either: Ours waited until I was: 1) Right in the middle of a race 2) 1/3 done with my beer 3) laughing at the game ...and she quickly slid up and was all like "Would you like another beer?" http://static1.fjcdn.com/comments/4209016+_9dff3e935d12cde82265043c58683987.jpg ME: "Isn't it a little early for that?" WAITRESS: "What...for another beer?" ME: No! FOR STUPID QUESTIONS...of COURSE I want another beer!
  6. Props to you! Congratulations on the purchase and many happy miles! :thumbup:
  7. Audi's come off lease (or sold by bored owners) within 2-5 years, so I'm guessing you're finally seeing a noticable number hitting the used market. My friend Mike (Aesthetic_Influx) has a 2.0T model, some basic bolt-ons. Looks awesome, and makes me think if it's your 2nd or 3rd car you could get away with an A5 instead of an S5.
  8. BRB, getting 2WD pre-runner suspension/tire kit for Cleetus... http://jalopnik.com/if-you-dont-enjoy-this-kind-of-racing-then-you-have-n-1441562623
  9. Props to my friend Rick (LT1Rick) for participating in my weekly 1hr 16-Bit excursion after CC&C. :thumbup: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=693&pictureid=7333 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=693&pictureid=7332 1) Drink Bell's Two Hearted. 2) Own that bitch Tony Stewart at his own game. 3) Realize after a couple of rounds of beer that we can't mod our trucks any further. 4) Plot plans against "Ironman" at every race. Go for broke, T-bone him at every chance. 5) Laugh and enjoy life. 6) Ask 16-bit if Tony Stewart dollhairs are transferable to the real-world, to be used to purchase said game. 7) Try not to look surprised when they say "No."
  10. Congrats, Tim! The Marximar was great while it lasted. Rubicon's are better bought used anyway. Many happy miles to you in the 6MT Accord.:thumbup:
  11. Thorne, imma let you finish but first... http://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?zip=43220&endYear=2014&modelCode1=928&showcaseOwnerId=0&startYear=1981&makeCode1=POR&listingType=used&listingTypes=used&searchRadius=500&mmt=%5BPOR%5B928%5B%5D%5D%5B%5D%5D&listingId=355322541&listingIndex=5&Log=0 $109k for a Porsche 928???
  12. Sorry...Pool is here in Columbus, people are going to use it are here in Columbus...but owners are in FL and can't easily coordinate a company to get out and repair pool heater soon enough...
  13. My in-laws are in FL for the week, and their pool is still opened. Friends of theirs are going to be coming over on Sunday to use it, though it's a little cold. The pool cleaners just said that the heater isn't heating, which stinks because it's a 2-year old unit. Is there anyone that could quickly come by and repair a pool heater as necessary?
  14. Wow, that's nuts. +rep for you, good sir. Congratulations so far, and keep up the great work!
  15. http://www.columbuscarsandcoffee.net https://www.facebook.com/ColumbusCarsAndCoffeeDOTNET 9am to 12pm - Cup O' Joe, Lennox Town Center OSU game is away, no CR track day...
  16. http://www.tumblr.com/photo/1280/tristanx/976363292/1/tumblr_l689niHlEC1qzayuq
  17. Waiting impatiently for update...
  19. Be Benjamin: System is broken. Obama scoops up the pieces and puts it into a different container. Advocate that it's now a good system and everyone needs to buy into it. :dumb::dumb:
  20. The page Sam posted is unavailable because it's being spread far and wide across the intarbutts, and the content providers are self-conscious...
  21. Nick, is this monster going in your S10???
  22. I will agree that tort reform is a doozie...the doctors I know spend hundreds of thousands just for medical malpractice insurance.
  23. Ben, glad your son's OK. Looking at it a different way, my home has experienced some damp walls over the summer from all the rain. I had Waterworks scope the downspouts around my house. Flushed some clogged lines and used a camera to inspect for breaks. $450 well spent, I say. I didn't have a $$$$k See-Snake camera. I could've started digging up downspouts to guess where the problem was instead, but felt our home and one of my single largest investments was worth a professional examination. I'm cheap, and there's a point where you have to acknowledge the costs of people, as well as amortizing equipment and resources per procedure. For $500 you knew your son's foot wouldn't be a problem. I'm just suggesting that what you paid isn't THAT out-of whack. If it was $1500, then your story would be more relevant. Not Urgent Care's fault (or their staff or equipment) that you didn't gamble your son's health on DIY medical work before going to their facility. The bigger discussion point that we're evolving to in this thread is PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. If you take care of your body, get checkups, you won't be as big of a drain on our medical system. If you eat junk food 24/7 from WalMart, then get diabeetus and other medical complications, you become a drain on the system's resources. You want socialized medicine? Prepare for everyone else's shit to be something you're financially accountable for as well.
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