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Everything posted by truckin

  1. If there is no berm to pull over.....then vehicles are to proceed until off a bridge. Traffic jambs....just do the best you can.
  2. Laminate is fairly durable, but it does have some drawbacks as does any product. If you damage a piece you have to tear up half the room just to get to that piece. You do have to be careful with water/snow/spills etc laying or pooling on the floor. Laminate is basically pressboard with a laminate on top, so it will swell if water is trapped under or finds it's ways in the joints. A good quality padding/soundbarrier is highly recommended under any laminate floating floor, however it's not going to totally eliminate the plastic click clack sound when walking on it. It's not a wood floor. Not knocking what you have pictured, but you get what you pay for when it comes to any product. Most all these floor are designed to be a "Floating Floor" which means glueing them isn't necessary (unless specifically designed for that purpose). The joints are designed to be interlocking and most have a little adhesive strip on the male piece to aid in the adheasion. As far as install.....as i said above these are Floating Floors which means they are designed to move during expansion and contraction which they will do. So do not butt up edges tightly against any object ex:wall, cabinet, jamb etc. always leave a slight gap. As for your shoe mold pic, you must remove the shoe mold to install the new floor, obviously the new floor will be higher so your install of your shoe will be higher on the base. Again DO NOT butt the new floor tightly against the base. Also you will need to jamb cut the door jambs to slide the new floor under the jambs, don't cut around the jambs. As far as cutting a register out a predrilled hole and a jig saw is your best bet. Make sure you have good blades in any saw you use. and have acouple of them you'll ruin atleast one. Make sure you also get any transistion pieces you may need where the new flor will end, so any doorways, basement doors etc. Any figure atleast 10% extra for any defective pieces (there's always some), or miss cuts. I've done many installs on these floors and it never fails....you'll always have defective pieces.
  3. Sitting at home with my wife and kids, prob going to bed at 930.
  4. Pretty much......Welcome to Civil Service
  5. The last Civil Service exam test i took was 9yrs ago but it was basically like a proficiency test. Reading, Math, basic stuff like that, it did ask some personality questions as well and asked the same questions different ways.
  6. You must drive with due regard when responding to any run, on the other hand people pay no attention to an emergency vehicle with bright shiny rotating/ flashing lights and loud sirens! GO right for Lights and Sirens! People can't seem to grasp this. If You can't see the Big 95K lb red firetruck comming or cruiser SLOW DOWN and start scanning. And Always never assume an intersection is safe to pass through.
  7. If Urban Meyer ever came to OSU I would cease to support OSU FB
  8. truckin

    new dog

    Goodlooking dog!
  9. My wife and I like Brio and Bon Vie Bistro. Price's are pretty decent and food is excellent. Ofcourse I took my wife on our first date (back in HS) to Wendy's for dinner and then went to see Billy Madison in the theatre......It all worked out!
  10. I would never do it, mortor will not adhere as well to wood compared to hardi or cement board. Plus it will flex, expand and contract, cause loose tile and grout joints to crack. I've seen it happen numerous times. The Alumnium for the edges is called..."Schluter" and can be found at HD/Lowes But Hamilton Parker is a good place to get it as well. They have a better selection on sizes and colors.
  11. I can help ya out, with info or if you need it installed. It's very very important to put a good subfloor under the tile! Use Durarock or a sheetrock for tile floors. Prep and clean wood floor, Sand any high joints if need be. Set the underlayment in motor ( using a notched trowel), Secure underlayment to floor using recommended screws or spiral nails ( don't use roofing nails or any other non specific nails or screws....they can bleed and rust through the motor). Screw down every 6-8 inches in a staggered pattern. Tape your joints if you have any and then Skim coat the floor, let dry then scrap any high spots. Use a 1/4"-3/8" notched trowel (depending on tile size) to lay your motor. Install your tile. Depending on your tile material you may need to butter the backside of the tile before you lay it in. Work the tile into the motor using firm but gentle pressure. After finished you need to let it set for atleast 24hrs before grout. You can use spacers if you want, but most of the time i find them useless overall. Tiles usually vary in overall size, ex: some may be 12" some be off by a 1/16th might not sound like a lot but if doing much at all it will compound and you'll have a problem. NEVER NEVER PUT TILE DIRECTLY ON A WOOD FLOOR! YOUR ASKING FOR TROUBLE, ANYONE WHO DOES THIS DOSEN'T KNOW WHAT THEIR DOING. GOODLUCK
  12. It's been a busey week for us so far, it's getting colder and people are resorting to space heaters, alternative means to heat. Just becareful with what you use and how you use it, don't leave space heaters unattended and please check the batteries in your detectors! It saved a family on a fire we had on the westside Thursday morning. Also please be aware of CO! This means running your car in the garage even with your garage door open......it can still travel into the home! I see it every winter. Glad your House is OK! Getting the fire under control, preventing extension and protecting exposures are important in life safety and property conservation. This is with out a doubt the hardest time of year to Fight Fire. Oh and It's a huge help to US if you can keep your sidewalk's and driveway's clean of snow and ice! Our Medics and FF's appreciate that very much! If you can Clear the snow from in front of fire hydrants as well!
  13. Let me know when your ready for some flooring, I'll hook ya up.
  14. Dodge had to up the HP sometime, that car is a fat fucking pig
  15. Try the flag lady off High st?
  16. Any pics? interior exterior etc
  17. Go to Home Depot and rent their F350 with a dump bed it has a reciever as well. Tell them you want it for a day pick it up early haul ass and bring it back, rental is like $20/day. Or find a dealer that'll do a 24hr test drive....
  18. Forums and the Net has really taken away from the swap and the deals you use to be able to get there. It's mainly guys now who aren't internet friendly selling stuff. It use to be a great show with alot of deals, not so much anymore. If I'm going it's cause i'm bored and don't have anything else going.
  19. Not much you can do in the event of a seizure, don't restrain or hold them down! clear the area around them to lessen the risk of injury. Most importantly if they are foaming or have any liquid in the air way try to roll them on their side so they won't aspirate. Any yes you can die from a seizure.
  20. Our Red zone Offense sucks. It was an OK game. Herron got robbed it was a helluva job by Sanzenbacher.
  21. +1 Then go shoot the actually people.
  22. Who the hell would buy a Toyota truck is my question
  23. I had a 04 Explorer 4.0 4x4 and it was a great truck plently of power handled great in all condition's never a problem in the snow and had a good amount of room. It held up great structually as well, wife was rear ended once and blasted a guardrail with it and it performed excellent with minimal damage. I know a few people thats had later model 04+ Grand Cherokee's and they both traded them in with 2 years. Both said the were horrible to drive and were rattle traps.
  24. Just the size and the speed rating etc are the same as the OEM tires. The Oem tire on the car are Mich's 215/65/17. I was recommended the Yoko's and looked at some reviews with good feedback on them.
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