What I was told while working at CC, legally, we are not allowed to chase the customer outside the doors. We weren't even legally allowed to accuse anyone of stealing. We could ask to check their bags, but if they kept on walking. Well. The person kept on walking and that was pretty much it.
CC deserves to go in the dump.
Oh how I don't miss 315/270/23. In Columbus, I wouldn't leave depending on the time of day due to traffic. I can't deal with it. People are just flat out rude.
I tried the same thing a few years back. Raccoon would come in our garage at night, eat all the cat food, and leave. It started bringing it's babies with it. Got in a fight with one of our cats and I said screw it. Waited a few hours w/ my 6foot blow gun to use some hunting darts. After a couple darts through it's skull I realized it wasn't going to work. Had to use the pellet gun and a couple to the head through the eye finished it off. The few darts I did use paralyzed it, pretty gross all in all.
After that we trapped 'em and let 'em loose 15+ miles away. It seemed to work. Either way, you people need to lighten up.