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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. newcougar.org They're not classic, per se, but they definitely have history behind them and they are domestic.
  2. Stock motorcraft from 02. No problems.
  3. I don't believe it, but I sat in every Porsche at the auto show. I so want a Caymen S.
  4. Dumb broad. That cat was obviously pissed off.
  5. Agreed. It's so easy for people to not make their own decisions and believe w/e the hell everyone else believes in at the moment.
  6. Wtf ever. It's cold as shit out. Ever watch two polar bears fuck in a snow storm?
  7. A lot of death results in the name of god. That jesus camp is just flat out brain washing. Those kids don't know any better.
  8. Holy hell that's awesome quality. I've had no one to go w/ me to see it! Sweet.
  9. I closed it after seeing the video title, thanks for trying to waste my time.
  10. Welcome to the student world. You're life revolves around school, the only job you can really support are shitty paying shitty hour low paying jobs. If you're already working, have kids, a wife, house, etc, you're screwed. I'm glad I'm done. Ha ha Matt. Seriously, wtf are you bitching about?
  11. I was kinda sick the other day, but that was more of an all day hangover. It's been a long while since the last time I got sick.
  12. I don't understand the show half the time. How is it fair if you're giving the other racer car lengths? Isn't the whole point of racing to see who is faster? I don't give a shit if you can ALMOST slightly beat someone if they give you 'x' car lengths. In that logic, my car would annihilate everyone on here. Just give me a track length.
  13. So if they get pulled over, which one gets the speeding ticket? You could always just say the other one was driving. Therfore, your insurance rates shouldn't go up. Right? If one of them kills someone, does the other go to prison too?
  14. Refurb... any kind of warranty? n/m... 90 days. I'm not too fond of Acer.
  15. Ha ha. Awesome. No crack for you today my friend.
  16. Yea. They're safe as long as your not a dumb fuck. If you are a dumb fuck... all bets are off.
  17. There were kids at DeVry that made huge ones... crazy.
  18. Russian women and their accents can be pretty hot, but then again I've seen some very weird Russian people.
  19. Forecast still looks pretty crappy. Mix of snow/rain... but it's better then snow.
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