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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. Probe looks good, but I'd do something w/ the spoiler, new rims, and probalbly swap in some stock seats. Nice pick up.
  2. Seriously, i'm out of fucking food. This blows... I COULD walk. This is prolly what I'll do, since I'm not fat and lazy.
  3. I don't wanna drive, but it'd be fun to take the rental out for a few spins. Should've rented a pickup.
  4. There's an HD version of it somewhere online.
  5. Ah ha ha ha. This thread ftw. Quoted for truth. I've helped others... Mines holding strong.
  6. I wouldn't be one of those tards standing on the side line.
  7. F Oh well. I like my car, and it looks good straight from the factory.
  8. Reminds me of Harold and Kumar Still not much humor in it
  9. Jesus Ford Mercury it's a repost... well fuck it. i've never seen it.
  10. Sounds good man. Thanks. I have a set of shortys but i need the y-pipe too.
  11. How would I contact said LaSota racing. I'd like a tuned SCT switch chip for the Cougar.
  12. Would high temp hold up to headers? My headers are rusting and all high-temp paints have just melted off. Even the high temp w/ ceramic. I'd rather do this then buy another set of headers.
  13. Good idea. I don't know what else to say about 'em other then it makes the driver look like a jack ass. Kinda like a modern day scarlet letter.
  14. Bumfights was awesome. It was a win/win for the guy. He made Dr. Phil look like a douche, and he promoted his videos for free.
  15. I took this from EHOWA. See if you can pass the test! NWS for ads. vid
  16. I fucking hate Dr. Phil. The guy had a point.
  17. Get what they deserve *NWS for gore at end The first half of them is them standing around being retards. God bless our troops
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