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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. Working overtime is ftl. It's only money. I like to work on the week and play whenever possible.
  2. As long as it's not emo. My hair would get shaggy when I was younger, not shoulder length though. Usually because I didnt' give a shit what I looked like and was too busy playing outside or w/e. I just got it cut whenever my mother told me it needed it. lol
  3. I don't understand why people wash cats. They don't need it, they clean themselves. Dogs don't, they roll around in shit, therefore they need baths.
  4. I met a dude at Firestone that insisted he invented electrolysis, but the government wouldn't take his offer for w/e reason, or they stole it for him. I forget, it was at the Firestone in Eastland so go figure.
  5. Ouch man. People would do that on Refugee all the time. I hate driving down there.
  6. idiotswithguns.blogspot.com Keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot. Don't aim at something you're not willing to destroy. Looks like a nice pistol.
  7. The best defense of thieves is to not let them know you have anything. Therefore, don't show it off/crank it all the time.
  8. I still say it's up in the air. I'm kinda rooting for blu-ray but we'll see. Either way, I'm not investing in either until it's decided.
  9. That's the exact headunit i was wanting. Does the ipod connect through the audio jack or the usb plug? Do you like it?
  10. So is there headunits that control mp3 players such as the zune, sansa, zen, etc? I don't like the i-tunes software and the sansa is far superior imo to the nano.
  11. Does anyone know how the headunits that say they are "ipod ready" hook up to the ipod? Do they use an audio jack plug or the usb plug. Technically, if it's just an audio jack you could use any mp3 player. Which is what I'm looking for.
  12. I bought a Sandisk Sansa for my g/f. I'm gonna end up getting one since I really like it. I hate the itunes software, plus it's cheaper and does more then the nano. The Zune got bad reviews, I really wanted one but I dont' want to wait till they rid all the bugs and shrink it down a bit.
  13. WTF is looking underneath the hood going to do? Is that by chance a Z-34? The wheels look like it, I think.
  14. Wow. People do anything and everything for money. Weird cuz I just found out this weekend I can get 75 bucks for my old stock cat that's been sitting around. I guess I could even sell the old manifolds, sweet. Good luck stealing something that's not there though.
  15. I got if off ebay. Buy it now. Drove straight to California, it's quicker.
  16. Pandora ftw. MusicMatch has a shit load of radio station channels as well which I use.
  17. Sweet. My g/f loves antique jewelry. Let me go find a box to put it in...
  18. Antec True Power 430W. I'll be getting another TruePower for my new computer. They're good power supplies.
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