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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. Nine Inch Nails - Only [reverend grumpy mix] There's some good music in this thread.
  2. Wait.. you live in Columbus right? You know the drivers around here.
  3. If I studied, yea, but there's no real need for me to know who was in Congress in the 50's. Looks like what I remember taking in high school.
  4. Looks pretty good in pictures, but pictures can hide a lot. I'd have to see it in person.
  5. You're surprised at that? Looks like a decent beater.
  6. That's bad ass Derek. I've always loved the Mach 1's.
  7. I really need to. I wish the temps would at least rise above freezing. This is the worst I can ever remember it being. Sounds painful Spaceghost.
  8. My dirty cooter. http://img476.imageshack.us/img476/7231/img0332zf5.jpg http://img476.imageshack.us/img476/5978/img0331pa7.jpg Looks like it underwent bukkake. Screw winter. Post your dirty ass cars.
  9. A 23 yr old marine dying of natural causes? Wtf? That's the prime of a man's life, and he's obviously in shape. He's a marine.
  10. Coors Light for cheap beer. Bud Select is what I normally buy.
  11. http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/3576/dsc00872vg9.jpg Getting wasted off hillbilly's choice.
  12. I bet it doesn't weight that much. I remember we rolled out a 72" when I worked at Circuit City. People gawked from all over the store. Some douche bought it w/o a warranty plan and the bulb was obviously burning out.
  13. Burn! I still have no idea who the guy is, except he was Britney Spears white trash man.
  14. app. 2900lbs. That was my pizza delivery car, it did ok in snow in the middle of nowhere. However, I had good tires. I consider them light. Definitely lighter then my cougar. Then again, it's no miata. I saw one of those the other day in that snow storm... funny.
  15. Light cars are definitely not fun in the snow. My g/f got stuck on some snow last night in her Ion. It just sat on the ice and stuck there. She had to dig from underneath. My Ford Probe would slide across the rode if the wind blew too hard.
  16. I have an 850xt agp. It roxors. I believe there were some 850xt pci-e cards on sale for around 170ish at Microcenter. It seems the pci-e cards are cheaper then the agp cards nowadays. Agp is nearly phased out already. I'll be looking at a 1800xt crossfire card here soon for my new setup. 4800x2 Am2 goodness.
  17. You're not open on Sundays? I needed to sleep in today.
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