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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. It's fun to make/recieve calls at times. Then again, it's annoying as fuck sometimes when your sober/busy or w/e.
  2. They do an excellent job. I have 35% around and couldn't be happier. Any more would be too dark imo. I haven't been bothered for my tint yet. Looks good man.
  3. That's all it did for me. My eyes feel all fucked up now.
  4. This was on the history or discovery channel. Definitely rednecks.
  5. That's one of the coolest robots ever... next to that hawt asian one.
  6. Lol. The duratec isn't a bad motor at all. It's basically just the new taurus. Not a bad car, not a great car. Just a point a to point b car w/ decent gas mileage, power, comfort. either way. it's free. I wish I got a company car. I just get a lousy montly car allowance and so many cents a mile for gas.
  7. nah. if i had some druken ugly fat bitch jump in front of my camera. i'd do the same.
  8. oh my fucking god. i fucking hate the news. what a bunch of made up horse shit.
  9. I guess I'm not for real. Fucking psychotics.
  10. They took 8 grand! Damn. Still, something over nothing.
  11. Crazy. I was damn flying thanksgiving eve and thanksgiving. I don't normally, but everyone else was. Drove down to Cincy wednesday for a concert, then to cleveland for turkey day to eat. My brother's average speed though was like 90mph. I didn't see a single cop. :shrug:
  12. ftw. glad to hear that stupid slut got what was coming to her.
  13. I don't have the patience like you. I stayed at home, however, I did have to drive my g/f to Easton since it was doubtful a parking space would be found. I'm glad I'm no longer in retail. Driving through Easton was enough to piss me off. Got home, cranked up the surround sound and started blasting nazi's on COD2. It's a good stress release.
  14. Picture quality isn't that great. However, if you just want a big tv, or something that you dont' care about, like a party tv or w/e. That's usually why people bought them. They're just cheaper tv's, older technology, you get what you pay for.
  15. It's strictly a monitor. You'd need an external cable box/vcr/dvd player to watch anything on it. That tv looks like trash btw. It's not even worth calling a plasma. Go w/ that $999 Panasonic plasma ftw.
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