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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. Is that serious? Not sure I'm quite into it. They just now finally got the game working decent w/ all the patches.
  2. It takes like half a smirnoff and he's wasted.
  3. Saw a Celica smashed into the wall at the 670 to 71S-70E exit, obviously going too fast, slid out of control and slammed into the wall. Wondering if it may have been anyone on here since it seemed to be slightly modded. Slow down next time when it's snowing like a biotch.
  4. That's a rather arrogant statement. That's why people DO drunk drive. They just assume everyone's done it, so it's ok. Not everyone does it.
  5. You suck at life and should've went to jail for driving drunk.
  6. The blind leading the blind. Myspace I guess could be for the lame hooking up w/ random girls, or "friend" whoring. Whatever. I use it to see what people are up to back home, talk to old highschool buddies, what not. Lotta emo rock going on though
  7. Sign up like your going to register for Columbus State, they'll give you a temporary e-mail, then use that. Just don't register for classes. I just wanted on facebook, it says you go to CSCC but w/e. Watch this video with Demetri Martin. Click on the Social Networking, it's pretty true and funny as hell. It's either social networking or emo rock.
  8. If you read the article it said all groups of bees (6 european, 6 african = 12 total) did it, except the african bees used more bees and killed the wasp quicker since they've been natural enemies with the wasp for a lot longer.
  9. http://www.gonewacko.org/T2003/Cuties/sniper.jpg http://hoteldetective.org/tornado_kitty/dscn0520.jpg http://users.zoominternet.net/~gtrage/cat%20dance.gif
  10. It wouldn't work btw, router's your best bet.
  11. Kind of a weird post but ok... http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/3361/kittydie4bh.png http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/2533/kittasechs8fe7bp.jpg http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/7573/kittydriveav8uu.jpg http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/9695/0033qs.jpg http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/6718/pwnedkitty255b1255d4bw.jpg http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/9970/226sneakingon1ga.jpg http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/8882/kickboxweb5bu.jpg Yea.. I have tons of useless pics I've saved over the years.
  12. ..................................
  13. California's gonna fall off the into the ocean anyway. Dumb.
  14. I hate kangaroos courts, that's basically how I got my first and only ticket for speeding, but I had no way to prove I wasn't. It was an 18yr kid versus some old fart copper.
  15. NExt time I'll find one with a zx2 and barney, that shout suit your needs.
  16. score! My favorite. So it lost to a focus and an f1 car, big deal.
  17. It's not like you guys really didn't have time to kill, surfing the pics/vids sections and what not. You get no sympathy from me.
  18. http://www.yourfilehost.com/media.php?cat=video&file=srt_power.wmv
  19. Well then, my car has that in common with the 6.
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