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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. GI Joe Hilarious, repost, who cares. Everyone needs to see this.
  2. lol, nice. Hey, it could be that too, dunno. I was going with 'for the win'
  3. Yup. Statefarm did that for me. My Cougar got beat the shit out of by a hail storm weeks after I got it. Now I understand silver's a hard color to repaint, but wow was it ever horrible looking, it was beading just looked like utter crap. He got it right the second time, then he got his money.
  4. Mirror? Bs. There's no water or anything there. I have no f*n clue what it is. There's a firestation around that general area?
  5. Maybe you could explain this jackson with all your conspiracy theories. A road i drive quite often back home, it's been 'whited out' http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/4707/untitled8fn.jpg http://img426.imageshack.us/img426/1428/untitled11rm2bp.jpg
  6. You ever consider some of us could be 'working'. Lol.
  7. ownage turned 180* I heard those things have massive problems after so many years. My friend can't go a week w/o something happening to his.
  8. Cougar1647545494


    -1 and boo for you
  9. I just think Japan / Korea / Germany / etc. are laughing at us for what they did to our economy / parking lots.
  10. I think it took me to the wrong site. Lots of hot naked chicks and funny ass pictures. Eh, good enough for me.
  11. Ouch. Well played. The intent was good, why are there such assholes in the world?
  12. Lol. Couldn't have said it any better if the underpant gnomes themselves posted. Get your degree, it does help at least get you a job. It'll all work out in the end, i'm months away from graduation and don't know exactly what I want to do. Obviously something in my major, but I guess I'll just start looking at wages/benefits/locations, all that good shit.
  13. Buying from American companys puts more money into the American economy, no? Obviously there is no TRUE american car's, but there are American companies Believe me. It's not just the inital price of the car either, when you buy replacement parts, where do you have to buy the parts from eh? They do bring jobs here, which is great for our economy, but no one here can tell me that Honda invests 100% of their money back into the American economy.
  14. http://www.ehowa.com/showmovie.shtml?movie=hotrodgocart.wmv btw... this isn't that scooter vs. trans am vid.
  15. Lol. Just like Dave Attell said, something of the sort of "You always heard about cutting the snake bite and sucking out the venom for a friend right? Well, what they didn't tell you is you're also supposed to be jiggling the mans balls with your other hand." I guess you should hear it from Dave himself.
  16. My mothers 98 Monte w/ the 3.1 lasted 213k till she waited too long to buy oil so we could change it and the cam snapped of oil starvation, yes, the cam snapped. It's fucked up I know. It's now at about 27k, original tranny, you bet. Basic maintenance all the way. I think this is good. Just like it was stated several times before. If you're not proud of the product your making and willing to invest into your company, you're at the wrong place. Get the hell out. How dumb is it to invest in your own company that benefits you, seriously!!! You don't need to be an econ major to figure that shit out.
  17. Yea, that Saleen Focus is ghey. I'd rather have an svt of either the mustang or the focus.
  18. He wouldn't know because it's not his router he's getting signal from. There are certain ports that need to be open before you can download torrents. However, more then likely its still default settings/password so you could probalbly just hop on and open up a few ports. Even though, you know this is like massive illegal. Lol.
  19. Make sure the shop you choose does mandrel bends. You could probalbly just order a cat-back from somewhere, search google.
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