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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. Wow. So who searches for 'blowjob' on google video?
  2. I liked your old wheels better. I like to think of myself as a trend setter. Make this a god damn masculine car!
  3. I had the old stuff magazine with her in it. A perfect 10. Look at the way those legs go up and make an ass out of themselves.
  4. Discuss http://www.flashasylum.com/db/files/Comics/ComicaziRob8(1).jpg
  5. If I lost weight, I would probalbly die. Maybe a contest on who gains the most muscle mass.
  6. Super skinny girls = gross for the most part. She's perfect.
  7. I know normally the words: Isuzu, Cool are not normally used together in a sentence, but come on.
  8. Cool. Good info to know. How long do points stay on your license then? I've only had one speeding ticket and that was almost 3 years ago.
  9. Maxtor seemed to have went the way of the dodo. It seems WD pretty much seems to dominate. The prices are still dropping, like 130 dollars for a 250gb... what a diff.
  10. For reference again, how many points where they take your license?
  11. Hi. I'm the beginning of the internet. How are you?
  12. Don't forget your sandwhiches I made you.
  13. We're familiar with wire wrap, we had to wire wrap an entire working clock. What a pain. That may be a good idea though.
  14. Maybe Andy can still get a hook up from the physics lab on campus Jackson. I'll ask him and report tommorrow at school.
  15. Lol. Best thread ever. I have the quattro, works fine.
  16. Fedex is the best, or the cell phone commercial (which isn't on there)
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