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Everything posted by Billiumss

  1. I was going down East Broad last night when all the cops and firetrucks were heading to it, then my wife called and told me she saw all them going north on Waggoner. Glad everyone is ok.
  2. Nice... you can watch A LOT of Porn at once with that set up.... lol
  3. Thanks for the tips guys, hope to get it fixed soon. It's a nice Columbia jacket too...
  4. I wish it was that easy. There is no hole, the metal clip is missing thats holds the handle on.
  5. Now that winter is almost here, I need to get my zipper fixed on my winter coat. The part you grab onto to pull up is missing and so is the metal clip that holds it in place. The piece that makes the teeth go together is still there and works. I love that coat and willing to spend $10 or so to get it fixed. Any suggestions?
  6. I bought a 42" Panasonic 720p Plasma from Besy Buy for $466.00 10 days ago. Sure it's only 720p but its in our master bedroom. So far we love it. I hooked up my PS3 and it looks awesome. We even get all the local channels in HD plus some digital channels for free (no box) Perfect for watching the news, misc shows and porn.
  7. WOW nice... How old? Anything else Canon your selling? I have a 40D.
  8. Does anyone have an old FM Tuner from a home stereo laying around that they don't need anymore. I might have a use for one at work and figured I'd check here first before I buy off of Ebay or Craigs list. Something on the lines of this: http://cgi.ebay.com/TECHNICS-ST-S98A-AM-FM-STEREO-TUNER-/250724275119?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a6054d3af Let me know if you have one, if ya do, post up what model number it is and how much... Thanks, Bill
  9. I would like to have the ability to turn on a remote computer in my house thats on the same network. How does Wake on Lan really work? How do you set it up? Do I need a program? I plan on building a new computer soon and want to do Wake on Lan, basically the new computer will just be for back up of pics, music and videos so I can access it as needed and not be on 24/7. Has anyone on here done this before? Also for shut down, do I just use remote assistance or something else? Bill
  10. I am so glad I have WOW, overall they seem to have the least amount of issues over other providers... Thanks Joe!!!
  11. Nice car! All those pics and not one engine shot, BANNED FOR LIFE.... lol
  12. Make sure you use a black light on one you find. lol hehehehe
  13. Like others said, I can do it as well. Give me a call so we can talk details Bill 614-325-6128
  14. WTG - but $150,000+ to get that title, kinda doesn't seem worth it to me, but to each is own... Hopefully you can race on a regular basis to earn some of that money back.
  15. I'd love to go, as they are some of my favorite bands. Just don't have the time today...
  16. Stay away from the metal intakes (for a street car)... Heat Soak City
  17. So you want your PORN life size huh.... lol Get a LCD for next to no glare.
  18. What do you do? Who do you work for? I'm interested... PM me, I'd love to get in this RE industry. I have my NABCEP Entry Level Cert. Bill
  19. Where did you here this from? Unless something changed in the last few weeks or so, thats not true. I'm into all this and haven't heard anything about it. Now say you consume 10,000KWH a year and produce 11,000KWH a year via solar or wind, you will get a credit. But if your system produces a heck of alot more like say 20,000KWH a year they will put a stop to that unless your a RE farm of sorts and have a contract to sell it back.
  20. Sure some areas are better than others, but once you get above the tree line there is more wind than you think.
  21. I love those movies, had the DVD trilogy for years. When they were on TV a few weeks/months ago, my son was glued to the screen.
  22. PM what you have, price and your number. Thanks, Bill
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