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Everything posted by Billiumss

  1. I don't see how upgrading to a new MB CPU and DRR2 ram is cheaper than a video card, maybe I missed something in math class years ago.... lol The said PC is for just doing basic stuff and some basic kids games. It will never be used for the latest and greatest games out there, just doing one last upgrade so it can use the Aero features. I did find this Video Card, (Visiontek Radeon X1950 Pro) it should work for what I need: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2918625&CatId=933 If you compare the specs to the old ATI Radeon 9600se The Visiontek should walk circle around the 9600se. Would you guys agree? http://ati.amd.com/products/radeon9600/radeon9600pro/compare.html
  2. Hi guys, I just installed Windows 7 on an old PC and while it works just fine, I need to upgrade the video card since the video performance index rating is 2.2. The video card in it now is a ATI Radeon 9600se The motherboard is this one: http://www.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/D865PERL/sb/CS-008963.htm The PC also has a 3.2GHz CPU, 3GB Ram, 500GB HD, Antec 500 watt PS. I've been to a bunch of websites checking out some of the AGP cards but some have mixed reviews. Any you guys recommend for under $100.00? Want to add some more life/years to the PC. Just trying to get the rating over 3.5 or higher. Thanks.... Bill
  3. Nice piece but kinda a waste of money unless your looking for every last ounce of power and have heads and cam. You can't beat Pace Setters for overall preformance, price and fitment.
  4. ummm, not really, been there a few times, pain in the ass to get there, the walkway over the track is cool though... Overall Trails is better and if your gonna drive 2+ hours go to Norwalk.
  5. Not gonna happen. I have a 2 year assoc Electronic Engineering degree with over 15 years experience with different certs and I can't even find a job that makes over $40k a year. This economy sucks and probably will be the same for another few years. If your getting a free ride than go to school for something you really like and will enjoy doing for the rest of your life.
  6. Nice car , I'd love to have it but worth more like $6,000-6,500 these days...
  7. Billiumss


    If your gonna pay, ALWAYS buy a box version and call it a day. I've been using Turbo Tax for years, gotta watch out for those emails they send out...
  8. Billiumss

    FS: 01' Z06

    Put it back to stock, you'll get you'll get more $$$ and sell it faster.... What's your next project?
  9. What other options do you have? I pay about $100 for cable, DVR and internet thorugh WOW. Whats your secret for such low rates?
  10. Been on Ebay, what sellers are good? Anyone have personal experience? I know most batteries are non-oem/generic, just don't want to drop $50-80+ on a crap battery.
  11. My laptop is 3 years old and it's time to get a new battery or 2 for it before the current one dies. Where is a good place that has a good rep to buy laptop batteries from? My laptop is a Sony VGN-FS920 and the battery model # is VGP-BPS2 I'm open to extended versions as well. I found a few online but want other people's opinion of a reliable vendor. Thanks, Bill
  12. I might have to try this. I'd also like to transfer files as well.
  13. I'd like to help my parents and friends with their computers over the internet using Remote Assistance, but how do I get around the NAT in the router without having them go into the router to change settings? I've tried it before but couldn't get it to work, only on my home network since it's 1 network using 192.168.1.x Are there any simple write ups out there? Bill
  14. No problem, just give me a call. I'm sure you'll like what you see. Simple and Effective.
  15. Thanks for the link. Any leads where you work at? Bill
  16. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71988
  17. Got it from Techskills but have been into computers since early 90's. Have any leads? I'm lookin'.
  18. So is this car gone or what. I was told the whole car was getting sold as is and woundn't be parted out anymore. (called right before xmas)
  19. I have a MCSA and a 2 Year Assoc in Electronic Engineering, does that count?
  20. Exactly! It's like the people in charge now don't care about the past heritage.
  21. Not bad but...... Buick should be dead not Pontiac...
  22. I have a friend that needs to buy a new (used) OEM rim. Car hit a pot hole and the pot hole won. It's for a 2008 Hyundai Elantra, 16 in Alloy 6.0X16 Besides going to a dealer and paying $400+ for a new alloy rim, are there any good places around Columbus that sells used alloy rims for a decent price? Thanks, Bill
  23. http://www.weather.com/weather/local/16511?lswe=16511&from=searchbox_localwx
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