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Everything posted by Billiumss

  1. O NO... another SD vs MAF thread, this isn't going to turn out too well. Your husband is correct, I'd put the MAF back on, get it tuned and call it a day. The MAF will correct for weather and have more consistant fueling since you are measuring the MASS of the air going into the engine. You are more than welcome to give me a call or stop by sometime so we can discuss this matter and If your interested, I can tune it for you after you get all the said parts on the car. Bill
  2. Not bad power for a 98 auto car. How many miles are on it? Do you know the FULL history of the car? Just because it was stock when you got doesn't mean anything, many people put them back to stock to sell them. Change plugs (gap to .55), wires, tranny fluid and filter, basically give it a good tune up besides the PCM and it should be a good runner. Stock rev limiter is 6200 so your 1-2 shifts are set to 6000 and 2-3 set to 5900 (stock). Don't go by what the tach says, they lag big time.
  3. Depends on the gas. You want about a 11.3-11.6 AFR for N20.
  4. Nice car! If you need a tune, I can provide you one at a very reasonable price. Bill Wright
  5. You better think long and hard about that, if you can't get service than what good will that fancy phone do for you? I'd suggest you call ATT tech support to find out where their towers are at for where you will be using your phone 80% of the time. You might have to go through a few idiots on the phone but you will get someone that knows something.
  6. Great day but I think NTR forgot to spray the track! lol
  7. Are you f'ing serious? I know you have a bigger house but how many SQ FT is it, 4,000 sqft? Isn't it a newer build? If it's $400 in the winter I can only imagine what it is in the summer with the AC on... Might be time to upgrade to a propane furnace if no natural gas. ...or it might be time to add a 6-8KW Solar PV grid tie system.
  8. You speak the truth! Nothing wrong with a crack here and there. Some parents do take it too far and beat the living shit out of their kids and have tons of marks on them. That is not cool....
  9. If done right, shift kit would be better.
  10. My wife had a root canal done there about a month ago and was way better than the one she had in her teens. It cost us $610. Overall she was very happy with them, nice, polite, and didn't take too long to get it done. When we had dental ins, it would have cost us over $700 somewhere else, and that was after the insurance. ...but it did take a few weeks to get in though.
  11. Billiumss


    True to a point but even on ice, a 4x4 still sucks unless you have studded tires. Your from the snow belt region like I am, don't tell me your getting soft... lol hehehehe My 2WD Silverado crew cab does great in the snow.
  12. Billiumss


    Pussy... lol It's only a few inches.... I hope you made it safe!
  13. Billiumss


    I will never understand how some people are so surprised that it snows in March. Rule of thumb - If your store your car for the winter, don't bring it out until after Easter weekend.
  14. From looking at those links above, looks way harder than a 100% stock LS1 Fbody. The 94 Camaro is 99% stock, I think he has a catback on it. Thanks for the insight guys...
  15. I'll be there to at least watch some awesome cars race.
  16. My friends dad has a low mile, nice weather only 1994 Camaro Z28 A4 convertable and wants his plugs and wires changed before it hits the road this spring. For those that have done it on a 100% stock LT1, how hard is it to do when compared to a LS1 F-body? I can swap the plugs/wires on my car in about an hour or so. So what do ya think, easier or harder than LS1 Fbodys? Bill
  17. Awesome! Probably more like 30-35 RWHP!
  18. Awesome!!! You just added a solid 20-25 RWHP to your car.
  19. if the car itself is in good shape then just replace the rear guts for $500 when you get it. If your not going to race the car then this option would be fine, just use GM parts and you'll be quiet. 6 speed cars are known to have rear end issues since they get "shocked" more when launching.
  20. Yes... Advertise and good word of mouth and your golden!
  21. Nice!!! Anything on the front?
  22. Billiumss

    Windows 7

    Yep. just installed it last weekend (32bit version). Install and updates works fine (hopefully for many years to come). Thanks man!!!
  23. I like your "do it yourself" attitude, thats the way I am with most things. If you want to play in this game, you have to buy good parts, plain and simple. With the power your making you shouldn't be going through trannys like underwear. - To get a good tranny, expect to pay about $2,500 that can handle 600-700 RWHP - Get a 9" or 12 bolt and call it a day, also upgrade your driveshaft or that will break next - Sometimes you have to know when you have to pay someone else to do some work for you If you want to ask me a few things or bounce a few ideas off me, give me a call, I've been around these cars since 2000, I know a thing or 2. Bill
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