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Everything posted by Billiumss

  1. Where at, that is what I usually do on the highway... Bill
  2. A lot of things can affect AM radio since it uses Amplitude Modulation. Even though I went to school for this stuff, this can explain it better than me: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amplitude_modulation
  3. We are well beyond fucked. Corporate greed is killing this country. We need to stop outsourcing our jobs to other countries. Not if but when there is World War 3, the USA will be screwed because a good part of manufacturing is done outside the USA, no more cheap clothes, electronics, etc since it all comes from China and other countries we will be at war with. We have a lot of blue collar workers that need jobs more than ever, just look at unemployment. Sure there are jobs posted but if they were really hiring, unemployment would be down, its a political game companies are playing. I've heard from my financial guy that small companies are holding off on hiring full time to see what the govt will do on taxes, I've been hearing that for 2 years now, what a bunch of BS. We need to have a flat tax for everyone but the rich will complain. We also need to stop the BS of people being on death row for 20+ years. If you have 100% proof that a person killed someone then put them to death within 30 days. it costs the tax payers way to much money to have 10s of thousands of people on death row for all those years.
  4. Yeah I'm into them as well, still have the gas powered one hanging in my garage. One thing I learned over the past 20 years flying RC planes, if it doesn't have ailerons it can be a challenge to fly.
  5. Damn that just sucks. My friend's wife just died from that back in May. She went from healthy to death in 9 months. God I hope Eric can beat this, your in my thoughts man!
  6. I'm looking for 2 17x9 rims for a 98-02 fbody, it's not for me, but someone else. The finish doesn't have to be perfect but can't look like total crap either. If you have some, let me know. Bill
  7. Wow that need a lot of TLC. I'd say it a little more than rough. I'll give you $500 CASH There is probably 3k in damage, probably more....
  8. Wow, talk about old school! Those look great. I just sold my dads old 8" version of those in my garage sale for $5.00 for the set, but no where near as nice, the surrounds on the mids had slight tears in them. They were 25 years old! If there are no tears or scratches, then $75 is well worth it!
  9. When I got collector plates for my 2001 Camaro SS, I had to provide $5,000+ in receipts for modifications, pictures and some proof that it was a limited production vehicle, the color helped too since they made less than 2,000 SS's in SOM in 2001.
  10. Since I was running 0 gauge wire I ended up drilling a hole on the pass side below that big rubber block with wires going through it.
  11. If your going to use a cam then you don't need the 1.8 rockers, you'll have issues. Any cam with 224 to 228 range will be fine for your application.
  12. Hello all, I'm helping a friend to install a stereo in a 2000 Monte Carlo. What is the best way to run the power wire through the firewall? I will be using either 0 or 2 gauge wire. Any links you might know of? Thanks Bill
  13. Post or PM what they have along with prices. Yes I will meet up with ya.
  14. I'm looking to buy 4 standard size 6V golf cart batteries. Besides Batteries Plus, where else would be a good place to buy them at? Also, anyone have any hook ups at Sams Club? They carry them and they are $75 each plus a core charge of $7-9 each. Since I'm buying new and don't have cores, I'd like to avoid the core charge if possible. Bill
  15. Unless the trolls leave it's gonna be hard to make it better. Some people stir the pot too much in the wrong areas of this board and then it gets out of control.
  16. With that said, I take it your wife wants you to get rid of it? Unless your in a very bad financial situation and/or lost 100% interest in the car then I could see selling it. It's paid off, you both have jobs and make a very decent wage, think about your quote above... I'm not trying to be an azz, just don't want you to regret it down the road. I know of another friend that sold his 99 TA that wishes he had it back...
  17. Auto Zone or Advanced Auto That's where I take mine
  18. If I was in a better situation, you know we would buy it in a heart beat. Don't take this the wrong way but I hope you don't sell it for a while so I can buy it from you. Good luck... This is one of the cleanest F-body I have ever seen next to mine.
  19. ??? So I take it the above numbers that Paul posted where not the dyno numbers... BTW... Sending you a PM about the Concrete crack we talked about...
  20. I'm also looking for a IT job but not having any luck since I've never done it for a living. I do have my MCSA, a 2 year degree in Electronic Engineering and 15+ years experience. If ya have anything, please send me a PM. Bill
  21. Commodore Vic 20 with tape drive and 300 baud modem then a Commodore 64c with a 5 1/4 drive and a MPS 1200 Dot Matrix Printer. My first real PC was a Pentium 133 with 16 MB ram and a 1.6 GB drive
  22. Why, I thought R134a was the standard unlike R12 of years past. What is the reason for the price jump?
  23. Back in 9th grade a kid called me "Billium" since my name is Bill and then other kids and friends in highschool started to say it as well from time to time. Once I bought my 2001 Camaro SS, I needed to come up with a username for car messageboards so I combined the 2 somewhat - "Billiumss"
  24. Very well said Brian. It has been such a pleasure to have known you for so long. When my car went on YOUR dyno for the first time, you (...and the old COFBA clan) changed my whole view about cars and performance forever and I will never regret it! It's been one heck of a journey and I'm sure it will continue for many, many years to come. Sure there will be a few road bumps here and there but thats part of life and we continue to go on. With your passion and respect for cars, people and your reputation, you will be VERY susccessful for many years to come and I'm very glad I've had that chance to meet you at COFBA's 1st dyno day. Thank you for being very professional and also my friend.
  25. Unless your going boosted or have a radical cam there really is no need to ditch the MAF. You gotta look at it this way, most of the major auto manufacters put MAFs on cars not only for better drivibility but better fuel control for better gas mileage. I'm going to guess that the 10's of millions of $$$ they spent on development means something, it's not there for "just because" I have a few books you can read if you want to learn more about them.
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