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Everything posted by verse

  1. Patrick knows where he gets his hookup. :gabe:
  2. I wish the article told me what happened to all the cars. I mean 50 BMW 2002's could at least pay off a chunk of that restitution. Does he still have some hidden that they never knew about? I'd imagine with 50 cars, he probably had a couple that are still hidden.
  3. Join PetrolBox and you'll get a sweet car related t-shirt every month! haha I've thought of joining on of these types, but I still can't get myself to pay crazy prices for an outfit. My work attire is normally dress slacks and a Toyota polo, so not a lot of creativity involved. My best advice would be to collect a few names and then do YouTube searches. There are thousands of unboxings that would help you figure out if one of them is for you.
  4. Last year I hit a pot hole on 270S just before 670E. I mailed in a claim against ODOT, it had a repair order with cost of 2 tires, 2 wheels, and alignment. It's a $20 fee to file the claim. I ended up getting the full repair amount plus filing fee back. It took about 8 months all together, but it was worth it.
  5. Mark is in the middle of helping me get a mortgage. Super helpful.
  6. That's my take on that play. He couldn't decide what he was going to do, let Bob take the shot and take away the cross ice pass or block the shooting lane. Also brought on by Savard being in the box, I'm sure he wouldn't be on the PK if Savard was available. I'm also wondering why they went with Carlson, rather than Nutivaara or Quincey. My guess is they weren't 100%? That's all I can think of. Harrington didn't bother me as much b/c I thought he played pretty well the last few weeks of the season, but Nutivaara was moving the puck pretty well and Quincey was relatively solid.
  7. I went to game 5 in Pittsburgh last time we played them in the playoff and had like 4 dudes trying to fight me b/c I was wearing a CBJ jersey. That was all while just walking down the stairs after the game.
  8. Talk to Ralph at the body shop, or have Denny do it. They should be able to hook you up.
  9. I have a tirerack wholesale account, so I order them and mount them myself.
  10. Nice. Denny is an awesome guy, I owe him a ton as a mentor. I've used a few different sign companies, I just wanted the best, we have a guy coming out to quote today though.
  11. My installer a few months ago said that 50mb customers will be getting 300mb soon.
  12. It'll actually be similar to the old N2 race cars. Probably a lot like the TRD GT86 they did. http://www.sub5zero.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Toyota-GT86-TRD-Griffon-3.jpg I actually did our parts truck in the yellow/orange/red scheme a few years ago. http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e15/1169140_1453435481626156_447122655_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTAzMzQ0NTUyNjQyMDU3NjUxNg%3D%3D.2
  13. Hoping to find great quality like that in Columbus. Looks like it's near Cincinnati though. Not sure we would be able to drop off 2 vehicles there.
  14. I'm building a '17 86 and '17 Tundra for the Columbus Auto Show for my work. I'm looking to get both wrapped. Basically the top half of both vehicles in a vintage TRD scheme. Some design will be needed. I want a good quality job as these will be seen by thousands in March and will be sold afterward. Anyone have a recommendation?
  15. JaxWax is a local Columbus company. I can't recommend Chemical Guy's after dealing with their wholesale team has been a huge mess and allocated $1k of our money for over 6 weeks because of their screw up.
  16. I was thinking about this just the other day. I wanted to do my emblems in gold to match my gold RPF1s. I don't mind getting new emblems to paint except my Levin ZR emblem is a rare emblem from Australia and don't want to try to source another or risk breaking it to pull off and paint. I was thinking about just getting a close match in gold paint and brushing it on, but no idea if it would look decent. http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/12328484_309438582723736_352562837_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTE5ODExNzYxMzI5Mzc4Nzc4NQ%3D%3D.2
  17. Genius idea. I wonder what their wholesale pricing would be at, seems like it wouldn't cost much per unit in cost, the small would be awesome to put in our PetrolBox.
  18. Best I could think is RPM Wrench & Repair I could probably whip up a logo as well.
  19. 10% coupons only work on the month to month subscriptions for the first month. If you try with the 3/6/12 month subscriptions they won't work. We aren't making anything these first couple months so we aren't giving out huge coupons or trying to cut much yet. haha Anyone can use OG10 on the first month to month box for a 10% coupon.
  20. Just an update from this thread - http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125779 Pretty happy so far with the response. Things are rolling along really well, we've actually had to turn down a few YouTubers, hoping to pick up a few more with high subscribers. This one was particularly good.
  21. I think they are cool. My buddy has his whole house set up to be controlled by it,. lights, thermostat, music, etc. I like to randomly just say "Alexia, play Careless Whisper by George Michaels" it entertains me. I almost want to buy one just to entertain myself.
  22. verse


    AdamLZ wanted 5K with 1.2 Million subscribers He's really the only big name YouTuber that responded to us.
  23. verse


    We are on it, November is our first box so hopefully we have a few posted in a few weeks. We have a few YouTubers with 10K-50K subscribers currently. Some of the higher subscriber accounts have been hard to get in touch with. Also have a few IG accounts with 10-40K followers and high engagement.
  24. Too much family around here, but if I were to move it'd probably be somewhere north, Minnesota, Wisconsin, or Michigan. If it weren't a pain I'd probably think of jumping the boarder to Ontario or over in Alberta.
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