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Everything posted by Diamonds

  1. another quick paint shot.... Deff a 10 from 10.... but, that was in mind when budgeting dollars for a track car.... http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/318944_10101127622747004_1050631421_n.jpg
  2. someone please just "this" a quote of post number 6.....
  3. seems like they are begging for offers... which leads me to believe they buy the worst of the worst at auction... price them at 250% and then let you beat them down.... which means they put minimal into the cars to get them sale-worthy.
  4. are they going to start charging more? i pay 30.00 currently.
  5. i feel like its a "tractor pull" of sorts to see who can get all the way through while taking a little off the top...
  6. http://www.groupon.com/deals/gg-natures-dream-9in-foam-mattress?utm_medium=email&utm_source=channel_goods-deals&sid=11279662&user=3e319ca2ed1b611cff68d80cd363b8ec6bd6316307a55bd818200956680a27e9&utm_campaign=11279662&s=body&d=gg-natures-dream-9in-foam-mattress&p=1&c=deal_button
  7. Thanks, the paintjob had a few defects that i asked him to correct..... but, for the price, cantbeatit considerign its a purpose-built drift/track car. One more shot.... havent put on sideskirts yet BC i told him i wanted to do that myself. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s480x480/526015_10101122408411574_520645083_n.jpg
  8. I dont think ashley is much better than VCF on 85% of their products... Big difference is that VCF offers about 4 real grain leather couches... whereas Ashley offers about 10. and then they each have about 60 other couches that are bonded, poly, or PU.
  9. Paint teaser http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/267754_10101122088582514_915364969_n.jpg http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/297103_10101122091646374_1298033867_n.jpg
  10. i could give peopel interview tips as well as tips on re-doing a resume... etc.
  11. Did you just describe 85% of CR?
  12. I assume a 30k millionaire is a kid who wears a cheap suit and buys drinks on special with a credit card? Haha
  13. I like how after his head was dragged across road and dirt his biggest concern was giving the other driver "the business"
  14. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/525924_4014318752691_446302914_n.jpg
  15. http://www.oddballdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Back-That-Thang-Up.jpg
  16. In northern Columbus... Mellow mushroom polaris Jimmy V's in WESTERVILLE Winking lizard off of 23
  17. Can I be a mod of this thread so I can cleanse the garb??
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