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Everything posted by Buckeye23
Maybe you missed this...
Stealing from Lewis Black? graemlins/grin2.gif
It all started with the movie Clueless.
Kerry could've easily won this election. It was his for the taking and he didn't reach out and seize the opportunity. Kerry never defined who he was to the voters. People don't like uncertainty, which is why I believe you saw the over whelming majority of people vote for Bush. In order to be successful, Kerry needed to sit down with broadcasters like Bill O'Reilly (just hear me out)and do the long, personal interview. You can't just do the Daily Show and the Tonight Show and think that'll be enough. It's like preaching to the choir. The O'Reilly Factor is the #1 rated news show. You may not like what Bill has to say, or agree with where he stands, but you've got to figure, alot of undecided and independant voters watch that show. If Kerry would've done the Factor and various other shows on MSNBC, CNN, etc... and really defined who he was as a person, what his beliefs were, how he got that way, etc, this election would've gone his way.
because there aren't that many provisional ballots out there. By all accounts, Bush's margin of victory was big enough that if ALL the provisional ballots counted and were for Kerry, he still wouldn't win. Basically, what it comes down to, it didn't matter what legal action, recounts, etc... the Kerry campaign would've done, it wouldn't change the numbers enough to give him the win. Kudos to Kerry for the class of conceding and sparing us the drama of the 2000 election.
Took me an hour and I was in the short line. Didn't mind at all. I was even up since 11 am Monday morning, worked all night, then went and stood in line.
I'm not a violent person, however, I've been bombarded by so many negative radio and TV ads, I'm now in a negative frame of mind. I would've knocked the guy on his ass.
Horrible, horrible story. It's stories like these that make me wonder how anyone could be against the death penalty.
The one guy owns a Celica and is a cart pusher at Walmart down in Daytona. He frequents www.newcelica.org Yay
I haven't played NCAA online so I couldn't tell you, but I'll fire it up and see what's out there. If anyone wants to play Madden or NCAA online, let me know, I'm always up for a game.
I get owned regularly in Madden 05 on PS2 online. My proudest stat...0 games quit.
The greatest game of the year was when the Indians beat the Yankees 22-0. 'nuff said.
I would go that far. We were once again picked as the darkhorse for the 8th seed . Irbe was a good pick up since braithwaite sucks. Nash and Zherdev, 2 of the most exciting young players in the NHL to watch. I'm missing it. I usually go to 6 or 7 games a year on top of the handful of OSU games that I go to. I love hockey.
I'm glad I got to see Rage Against the Machine at Woodstock 99 before Zach split. Though I won't miss Zach burning an American flag on stage. meh...
Well, you had 3 major Intelligence reports stating that Iraq had WMD. 1. U.S. Senate Intelligence Report 2. Putin's Intelligence Report 3. British Intelligence Report All those reports are saying that Iraq had WMDs. Now I don't know about anyone else, but if I were the president I wouldn't want to sit on my hands with these 3 major reports staring me in the face and do nothing. I'd rather take my chances and be wrong than do nothing and risk the lives of possibly tens of thousands of civilian lives. In either scenario, the president is the goat. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. If you're wrong about the WMD (in which case, it looks like we are), then you're deemed a war mongerer(sp). If you don't do anything and someone releases a chemical weapon here in the US and them chemical agents are traced back to Iraq, then the president will accused of not acting on the intelligence, etc... It's definitely a touchy situation either way you cut it, and it's obviously not just about flexing the U.S. military machine. And Saddam DID have terrorist ties. I don't know if anyone remembers that Saddam did pay money to the families of Palastinian(sp?) suicide bombers. If that's not supporting terrorism, I don't know what is. And let's not forget the constant breaches of the Cease Fire agreement from the Gulf War. Allied planes patrolling the No-Fly Zones were under constant fire from Iraqi ground batteries. A VIOLATION of the cease-fire that Saddam signed. Not to mention that his land based rockets were only allowed to have a certain range on them and that rule was broken also. Saddam was not removed from power in the Gulf War BECAUSE...Congress did not approve a regime change in Iraq. Bush Sr. was only authorized to remove Saddam from Kuwait. THAT'S IT. So saying that we didn't finish the job is not a valid arguement. However, we're now well passed the point of no return. I think this whole mess of "The President lied" (even though the 9/11 Commission says he didn't) would have been cut off had the president just come out and said something to the effect of: "I had what I believed was the best available information regarding Saddam and his WMD programs and I acted on that intelligence. However, now it's seems that the intelligence was not as credible as was once believed. I still believe that invading Iraq was the right thing to do based on Saddam's past history as a brutal dictator, use of chemical weapons, genocide, supporting of international terrorism (NOT JUST OSAMA'S PALS), etc..." Sorry for the long post...
I think O'Rielly's reputation will be tarnished win or lose here. It's interesting that this lady claims that she was sexually harrassed, then quit and went to CNN, THEN came back to O'Rielly. I mean come on, if it was so bad the first time around, why come back for a second tour? She says that he promised to stop. But I mean really, if it was bad enough to get you to quit the first time, why even open yourself back up to the possibility of it happening again? I think O'Rielly has the upperhand here. However, that all depends on whether or not these alleged tapes actually exist.
Eye opener? Nope...just all bullshit... http://www.davekopel.com/Terror/Fiftysix-Deceits-in-Fahrenheit-911.htm Enjoy...
I'm a pretty big Buckeye fan and I was glad to see us get our asses kicked yesterday (although I did not see any of the game, as I was paintballing). Columbus NEEDS a season like this. Buckeye fans NEED a season like this to get everyone to wake and realize that there is life after football. That we aren't the greatest team in the universe. That we aren't invinsible. I can't wait to hear half the city demand Tressel's firing. After this season is over and we don't make the Ford Motor City Bowl, the band wagon will be cleared out and the real Buckeye fans can look forward to 2005.
or you can be an adult about this whole mess and file a report with the police and the Capital Area Humane Society.
Horrible. I think maybe next time I get that call from the NRA I'll donate some money.
And what makes your opinion any more important than some one else's opinion? Because you're Nitrousbird? Or on the SMC? Or because you have a superiority complex? People like what they like. That doesn't make their opinion worth any less because they like this particular car or cars like it. You don't like it, that's fine. Your opinion is not the end all be all of what a car is or isn't.
Well, then Beckett has changed again on me. smile.gif
I didn't dream about that last night. I dreamt I had $5k to finally get that turbo kit that FINALLY became available.