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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Possible Project car for someone car doesnt look to bad i could go check it out better tomorrow 11/22 if anyone is interested. I have seen most of the cars these guys keep on there lot and they are usually rough you could probally lowball the price on this car and pick it up for pretty cheap. http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=205577468&dealer_id=57853903&car_year=1993&search_type=used&num_records=&keywordsfyc=&make=CHEV&transmission=&model=CAM&distance=25&make2=&address=43055&default_sort=priceDESC&advanced=&certified=&max_mileage=&max_price=&sort_type=priceDESC&min_price=&body_code=0&end_year=1998&keywordsrep=&color=&start_year=1992&drive=&engine=&fuel=&doors=&style_flag=1&cardist=5 Send me a private message if anyone wants me to check it out for them.
  2. Just a little porting and polishing basic pcm reprogram and some body work time to make all the body panels match.
  3. During the shovel hit i would like some video footage.
  4. In the correct context one of greatest quotes ever!!!!!
  5. so basically you could just walk in front of the people waiting in line and they cant do anything right?? Other then yell at you for cutting in line.
  6. Howard Rules but still doing it. And Poconos looks like fun but me and fiance dont like the idea of a cruise and i dont even want to see myself in a bathing suit. If anyone has anymore ideas would be appreciated might find something a little more fun. Since we are going on honeymoon in July i dont think that tempature will be to much of a issue other then maybe being to hot in a few places.
  7. So has anyone had any experience going to the Poconos figured i would get some opinions but 99% sure this is where i will be going. http://www.caesarspoconoresorts.com/
  8. im not sure if mine is a 8100 or 8300 but it has mp3 buttons on the front which i will never use and bunch of other features i just dont need. But it is a very nice phone just want a change.
  9. Anyone have any particular experience with Samsung Cell Phones or this model in particular http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/store/controller?item=phoneFirst&action=viewPhoneDetail&selectedPhoneId=2343&changingCompletedOrder= im tired of my lg 8300 and want to switch out of a lg phone into something different. Basically want a cell phone with camera as well as video capture.
  10. Bump for moving the fine piece of machinery out of my driveway.
  11. Drewhop

    Hey Sam...

    that made me laugh looks like my grandmas cat if someone shaved it.
  12. 10. Walker Texas Ranger...... Chuck Norris enough said. And he qualifies for fictional character cause he wants to.
  13. I would definately drive one. But the price range is almost in same range as a CTS-V This is a sexy version tho. http://www.leftlanenews.com/wp-content/plugins/iimage-gallery.php?idpost=4329&idg=1&idi=36
  14. http://www.columbusracing.com/showthread.php?t=30478 here you go.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unobtainium And i have a friend that may be able to make a mold ill try and get ahold of him tonight to see if he could possibly do it.
  16. Even abbreviated it still sounds horrible. SREMP Yep forever norwalk
  17. This is why we should just be allowed to kick the living shit out of people like this. Driving without lights and illegal immigrant two reasons to get his ass beat.
  18. Im selling this for my uncle. It is a 1986 Toyota Truck with Fiber Glass Bed from my understanding the bed itself is a common problem with the trucks. Engine runs great 4 wheel drive works. Truck has some frame rust so it would need to have some work done on the frame to reinforce or possibly replace. I will get more info on the miles and options tomorrow morning just figured i would see if any interest.
  19. Sorry its a 4 door base model crank windows. 4 cylinder
  20. Just like the post says its a 91 Sunbird 125k miles on the odometer. Car has some rust around the bottoms of the doors. Has Newer tires on it with less then 4k miles on them. Reliable car could use a tune up and would run great. Great Winter Car. No pictures currently i could probally get some in a few days. Contact Andy at 740-361-6200 Cell
  21. In january i would be interested in her but grats on the little one.
  22. Ive been waiting all summer for the cold months to start. CR becomes so much more entertaining.
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