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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. I found one of those on a walking path last year that was about the size of a half dollar. Wife told me to smash it. I told her it was the largest hopping spider I had ever seen. I let it live. Cool spiders insane speed if you watch them
  2. Great garden. Wish I would have got a few of my heirloom seeds to you. Maybe next year. I am a few weeks behind. Luckily planting alot of beans and lettuce/spinach so the late start wont hurt me much.
  3. Your gonna need server cases
  4. I would have the guy take the lien in and have it removed. Removing a Lien does not cost any money. The BMV will stamp the lien it will say lien canceled and keep a copy of the lien cancellation. I would not buy it until he removes lien. Which is free to do.
  5. Great links and great prices. Thanks for the links
  6. I think Sam may do concrete work.
  7. http://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-SDHC-Class-Secure-Digital/dp/B0058GH1IK/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1335881529&sr=8-2 I buy these never had a problem with them. Read 20/mbs write 16mbs. Not the fastest but it works for the basic stuff we do. Plus with amazon prime we order them and for 13.99 shipped to door in two days for free.
  8. Drewhop


    You can buy the 2.2 litre engines for next to nothing at a junkyard. I would say 250-500 range for just a engine. I am ball parking because my cost may be less just because of the amount of stuff I buy as well. If you are buying a junkyard engine might as well throw a timing chain in when you get it. They cost right around 65-75 bucks for the set. These are awesome engines. I have sold hundreds of them and they are easy to take care of. Edit Also if I was not tearing my entire backporch up and repairing my basement wall. I would have bought this car already. 900 Dollars is a steal with how cheap and easy this car could be fixed.
  9. Remington and Glock both have a great setup. I also may know a thing or two about cameras and remote back ups.
  10. How did this gem escape CR. I wanna report the post just so someone else has to read this awesomeness.
  11. I need to capitalize on this event. Team Wiggs and Team Jamie shirts.
  12. I also dont want a group of people "secret service agents" who cant keep there dicks in there pants deciding at what point I am not allowed to speak freely anymore.
  13. Found this.... Didnt watch video. It's important to note — contrary to some reports — that H.R. 347 doesn't create any new crimes, or directly apply to the Occupy protests. The bill slightly rewrites a short trespass law, originally passed in 1971 and amended a couple of times since, that covers areas subject to heightened Secret Service security measures. These restricted areas include locations where individuals under Secret Service protection are temporarily located, and certain large special events like a presidential inauguration. They can also include large public events like the Super Bowl and the presidential nominating conventions (troublingly, the Department of Homeland Security has significant discretion in designating what qualifies as one of these special events). The original statute, unchanged by H.R. 347,made certain conduct with respect to these restricted areas a crime, including simple trespass, actions in or near the restricted area that would "disrupt the orderly conduct of Government," and blocking the entrance or exit to the restricted area. H.R. 347 did make one noteworthy change, which may make it easier for the Secret Service to overuse or misuse the statute to arrest lawful protesters.
  14. The Ultimate troll. Glad I didnt plant my garden yet.
  15. It needs a new name. Other then that great pick up. Love to have one some day
  16. http://www.htlkeys.com/ We use them for our dealership.
  17. This. I think he is just a troll. This is something to help him pass the time.
  18. Jason my cousin has a van that has hand controls and a regular driver can get right in and nothing in the way you just drive like normal. I will have to ask her what she uses. I will send her a text and then send you a pm.
  19. I dont understand why you didnt just stop and ask him why he had a problem with you. If you were not speeding. Not excessive noise. Stop and tell him to contact the police department if there is a problem. But your way was much better. Act like a jackass much better solution.
  20. His craigslist add. Think I am gonna pick up two or three plants this weekend if I have the time http://columbus.craigslist.org/for/2952512815.html
  21. I am talking one flat rate on everything say 8-10%. Your only getting taxed on what you spend. Spending dictates how much you pay. You could make 100 times more then what I do but if you spend less you would pay less. How is that unfair? Maybe we just dont agree on this.
  22. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/this-could-be-big-abc-news/more-mere-magic-mushrooms-154207424.html Nature handles its business. This could be the greatest discovery of the year if not the century.
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