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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Great price. So whats your plan. We already know you dont do stock.
  2. I will check it out when I get off work. Looks like a decent way to waste a few minutes.
  3. Drewhop

    kel-tec ksg

    New video from Kel-tec. Cliff notes. Will begin shipping end of 2011. They fixed a few bugs from the initial Shot show release.
  4. So they are essentially "phreaking" a modern day system.
  5. I cant get that time back. Its gone. 3minutes completely gone. (I skipped around)
  6. It would be awesome to have a CR gun sponsorship. Best of luck Nate keep us up to date. There is at least one long distance range in ohio. http://www.thundervalleyprecision.com/index.html
  7. I stayed here for a week. CLose drive to everything but secluded. http://www.hockinghills.com/littlecola/
  8. I bought a cavalier for really cheap. Has 200k miles on it. I have changed the oil and spent about 100 bucks on maintenance stuff. I would have to check when I got it but for 120 bucks for 6+ months. I cant complain.
  9. When paper money becomes worthless silver will not do you any good either. The only valuable item at that point will be food. I know personally I could give a shit less what rare metal you have. It wont make me want to sell you my food for a chunk of shiny metal. Good luck on investing tho. There is money to be made if you bought silver last year. I think it was 13-17 dollars at the time. At 36 sounds pretty high. It is a non renewable resource.
  10. We have a split level full finished basement. It is built on side of hill and we love our basement. Spend 90% of our time down here. Stays cool in the summer and warm in the winter. That being said the back wall had to be replaced about 6 years ago. House is roughly 35-40 years old. (to lazy to go actually look) Also as a side note. Make sure you check out the heating/ac system by someone "you" know and trust. Our house had been inspected multiple times and said was ok. I have a friend who is a fire safety / hvac friend and he looked at my furnance for me and pointed out many problems that the inspector missed.
  11. I wanna pick one of these bad boys up in the near future. http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=755435 Ka-Bar Potbelly.
  12. I think the trolls are being trolled. Epic.
  13. Its not fair. You are so much faster and stronger then us lazy white people.
  14. So does this mean I cant cut myself anymore when things go badly?
  15. Lost power at night woke me up pretty loud. Pictures of Newark aftermath. Maybe a slight tornado touchdown. http://www.newarkadvocate.com/apps/pbcs.dll/gallery?Avis=BF&Dato=20110228&Kategori=NEWS01&Lopenr=102280801&Ref=PH&odyssey=mod|galleriespic|umbrella
  16. I like the video better then the song. Song is not bad. He got BIG
  17. 94 escort is actually a race car. You can not insure them with regular insurance. You must get RACE insurance. or check http://www.progressive.com/insurance/flo/flo-123.aspx?code=8004201748&se=Google&cmp=OH&adgr=%28GEO-BRAND%29+-+Brand+Terms&kwd=progressive+com&srcfrc=true&&mt=b&gclid=CIXo9eikpKcCFRJY2god8FboDA&
  18. I deal and have dealt with ignorant shit like this for about the past 10-12 years. With weekly payments I assume the guy works for a rental company. In my business I would have already taken the shit back from you and moved on. Sounds like you are pulling a bitch move and want people to feel bad for you.
  19. Someone will eventually make wikileaks look like they are spreading false information and they will just fade away. As for the middle east. We just need to take a few steps back and watch these morons destroy each other. (I recommend planting a zombie virus there) then legalize zombie hunting in the area.
  20. Biggest fear is not being able to protect my family if I am at work or away.
  21. I need to place a order for a evil black rifle in the near future.
  22. You handled it better then I would have. I would need bailed out of jail right now.
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