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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Cool we are borrowing both from tool guy next week gonna test them side by side. I will send you a pm if I got any questions.
  2. Drewhop

    VW Drivers

    Only thing that could have made that better is if he had said "I train affliction" after he smacked the biker.
  3. Yep. We are looking for new unit. Our current unit has had a rough life and its time for it to be retired.
  4. Looking at updating our scan tool. Currently we have a Genisys and it is just getting outdated for the year of cars we service. Anyone have exerpience with the Maxisdas. Looking at this setup. http://www.autel.us/Products/ds708.htm http://www.amazon.com/MaxiDas-Automotive-Diagnostic-System-MaxiTPMS/dp/B00B2PKYU8/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1390241808&sr=8-2&keywords=maxidas+ds708
  5. If his wife is eco-friendly those glue traps are brutal. Snap traps end it pretty quick.
  6. I usually get a couple every year when winter rolls around. Buy the cheap snap traps at the store. Make sure they were ones with the yellow cheese http://store.doyourownpestcontrol.com/victor-mouse-snap-trap-m325?gclid=COzIutXvirwCFatcMgodDzQAgA This style is only one I will buy. The rest seem to snag the peanut butter out of them.
  7. http://firsthandweather.com/124/brutal-cold-way-united-states/ Go home winter your drunk.
  8. SNOWPOCALYPSE!!!! (brb buying all the bread in nerk)
  9. I would let Allstate argue with them. You and a lawyer have alot less power then a company like Allstate.
  10. Let me know if interested for classes or even just general reading. Some of the HTML and CSS might interest a few of you guys I have many books for sale. Looking to get prices listed or best offer. ISBN can be supplied upon request Human Anatomy (A Laboratory Tex and Workbook) Fourth Edition Julia F. Guy 60$ Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3 Ben Frain 20$ HTML and CSS 6th Edition Comprehensive Carey 70$ Video Production Handbook Fifth Edition Jim Owns/Gerald Millerson 20$ Adobe Flash Profession CS6 Classroom in a book (DVD rom included) 20$ jQuery for Designers Beginners guide Natalie MacLees 20$ The Information Design Handbook Jenn + Ken Visocky O'grady 10$ Forms Folds Sizes Second Edition 10$ Anatomy Physiology Coloring Workbook A complete study Guide Elaine N Marieb 10$ Communicating at Work Tenth Edition Ronald B Adler 10$ The Graphic Designers Digital Toolkit Allan Wood 4th Edition 20$ thinking with type Ellen Lupton 10$ Exploring the Elements of Design Second Edition 20$ Everything is BEST OFFER. ISBN CAN BE PROVIDED. I am located in Newark. I could meet up if buying multiple books but would rather have picked up locally.
  11. Exploiting tragedy for self gain has always been a problem. But reading those emails and seeing the people elected to lead this country using tragedy for political gain makes me sick.
  12. This was common for me as well.
  13. I would rather they cancel early then wait until last minute so I have to rush to find babysitter or take a personal off work.
  14. I spent about a week playing back and forth but State Farm provided better coverage and lower cost than I could find anywhere else. (I did not try any of above mentioned tho) Home and auto discount was pretty huge tho. I think it came out to roughly 20% discount after I bundled it all together.
  15. So another 3-6 for us. Possibly 6-12...... Not cool Jeff.
  16. I check CR before I check the news or any of local broadcasters
  17. Shhh. Trying to get 5 more pages.
  18. Bump http://omg.yahoo.com/news/duck-dynasty-39-phil-robertson-suggests-men-marry-032404400.html
  19. Someone trying to replace you Jeffro. Ut oh. I see a competition brewing. Who can guess ohio shitty weather predictions better. GO.
  20. So are you "for" or "against" butt sex ?
  21. That painting is so deep man. Really puts things into perspective. (in cheech and chong voic)
  22. Sorry I played a lot of video games and get carried away sometimes. Sorry you couldn't keep up.
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