LOL TC, god I loved messing with that guy. Wife and I lived in Fieldstone Trace, near Polaris, back before we bought our house in Westerville. Lived in the appartment for 3+ years, never had a problem. Moved out and ended up receiving a bill from them for over $7,000 in cleaning and repairs. All of it complete bull shit. Then the calls from my old buddy TC trying all the tricks in the books. My wife and I both have worked in all stages of collections and know our rights. Had some interesting conversations with TC about the bull shit charges and such. Many times him telling us they would take us to court. Last time I talked to him, we told him, see you there. Shortly afterwords, a good lawyer friend of ours, looked over the lease, bill, our proof of no damage, obtained written statements from friends, neighbors, etc about the condition of the apartment when they helped us move. He called TC up and also had a good conversation with him and we have never received another phone call from them.
About once every 3 months, we get letters from Triangle (never was Triangle when we lived there) letter head threating to take us to court. They also send those letters out to anyone on your applications. So our friends and parents get them too. We keep them all in a file if they ever come after us. But they are outside the statute of limitations to sue us and always keep a close eye on our credit report and they have never put anything on my wife's or mine.
TC is his real name (shortened) he is a family member of one of the owners of Ardent.
Only word of suggestion for you is if you are still living in the apartment, take photos with time and date stamp of everything before you move out. If they try to charge you for trumped up cleanging or repair charges ask for photo proof of the before and after, as well as the receipts for the work actually performed. Good luck.