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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. I agree, with a car like that, go get the 30-day tags to bring it home. But of course, I would be putting that thing on a trailer to bring it home if it was me.
  2. Ok vehicles if you take care of them. MPG is not the best and the 3.7 is a dog. But for a DD it would be fine and will do pretty good in bad weather and snow.
  3. Mine went down about $15k. I will look forward to my property taxes going down next year.
  4. I have seen so many of these while driving around Columbus.
  5. Call the bank is always the best bet. Most of the time a bank has several routing numbers. My Huntington account is different than those.
  6. Been thinking of this as well. You might be getting an email from me soon.
  7. I know the Westerverville Boy Scouts collect them and have a burning ceromony once a year. They have a drop box in the entrance of the Westerville library.
  8. I would go with the Cherokee. A Grand would be nice since it is a little bigger. Finding a manual Cherokee is a little tough since they made less an less through out the years
  9. This is going to suck, since I will be driving downtown a lot more once hockey season starts. But yes, 270/315/23 needs to be on the high priory list to fix. Everyday there is at least one accident during rush hour.
  10. LOL couple of my friends turned me onto that movie a couple weeks ago. Laughed my ass off watching it. Side note, the rehab center the one went to is a customer of the company I work for.
  11. If you are looking for a new one, wait for a 2012. The new engine, 3.6L, will make more power, tq, and get better mpg.
  12. Nice pick up. I have a Walther P22 and love to take to the range. Would consider picking up another Walther at anytime.
  13. Schnieder's Bakery in Westerville hands down for their cake. I think Chery's cookies are the most bland cookies ever. None of them taste good at all. Their brownies aren't too bad though.
  14. I have met a few people over the years that have done parts of it and just a couple that have done the whole thing. They really do mean it when they say you will never do the whole thing on your first attempt. Most do smaller sections of the trail on the years before attempting the whole thing. I have only done a very small section in the Great Smoky Mountains from Newfound Gap to the top of Clingman's Dome. I think it was like 5 or 7 miles.
  15. I have WOW HD and digital box and have no issues at all. I know the new digital cable boxes are different.
  16. How the hell have I missed this. I would love to do something like this. May have to plan for next year.
  17. Use to be a place in Martinsburg, Ohio that always seemed to sell truck beds. Not a clue what the name of the place is or anything. Coming from Utica on 62 into Martinsburg, it would be on your left right before you get to the traffic light.
  18. I do agree she had at least something to do with her daughter's death if she wasn't the one that actually did it. But I was not surprised by the result. Just not enough evidence to put her away.
  19. Good to hear you stayed away from them. My Dad had one and had most of the front end replaced before hitting 15K. At 20K, the whole stearing rack had to be replaced. He dropped it like it was hot.
  20. Yeah all Cherokee's with 4x4 come with a selectable transfer case. But their were 2 different transfer cases offered in the Cherokee, NP231 or NP242. There is a tag on the transfer case to be for sure, but you can also list the transfer case selector options. Basically if you have a "part-time" 4x4, it is the NP242 case. If it is 2x4, 4x4 high,N, and 4x4 low, you have the NP231
  21. No need to wait on a guard to tell them. Remember most prisoners have access to newspapers, TV and the internet. They always like researching on the new fishes.
  22. If you call them, make sure you call a number from their website and just not the one on the letter. It could very well be fake too. You also should look at the statute of limitations in Texas for small claims court. I know in Ohio, they have 7 years.
  23. Which transfer case? Also from the photos the rocker panels are rusted out, how are the floor boards? Any Death wobble?
  24. Went last year. It was cool and reminded me of watching movies as a kid. Also didn't mind sitting in the bed of the truck to watch the movie.
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