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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. If I had to choice between only those 3, I would go with the stang.
  2. Congrats, can't wait to see what it can do in real life and what you are going to do to it.
  3. http://www1.wowway.com/
  4. 4x4? if so which transfer case (full time or part time)? Factory towing package or after market? How many miles?
  5. BloodRed

    Yard Waist

    http://www.refuse.ci.columbus.oh.us/yardwaste.htm Here is a list of the free yard waste drop off locations in Columbus.
  6. BloodRed

    CR App

    worked fine on my Eris still on 1.5. A couple hours after I installed it on Friday, I got the 2.1 update.
  7. Glad you like it. My first handgun was a Highpoint 9mm and it was a great gun. I think I put around 3,000 rounds through mine with out any major problems. It had a few problems with a few jams, but I found leaving a lot of gun oil on the gun worked great. Break down is not that hard, just need a punch to push out the pin that holds the slide. It was a fun gun to take to the range. I always looked to the positive and if I ever had to use it in defense, if I ran out of bullets or it jamed, I could throw it at the person and probably knock them out.
  8. BloodRed

    CR App

    I will let you know tonight. Of course if I get the update, before then, but I am not holding my breath on that.
  9. BloodRed

    CR App

    This made be spit water all over my desk for some reason. I will have to downloaded it when I get home tonight. Still waiting to get selected for the 2.1 OTA update for my Eris. I know just any minute I will get it...
  10. Giver her a rowing machine and have someone spray her in the face with a water bottle every couple minutes and play one of those sound scape CD's by the ocean. If she really wants to do this, then in a year, she will be ready.
  11. The only thing I like about that song is the memory of seeing my 3 year old neice singing "bubble bee" to this song.
  12. Lesnar for the win, but that will all depend on what kind of condition he comes back from after all he has went through. That kind of stuff can take a lot out of someone.
  13. I feel gay for saying this but... Ikea?
  14. My wife was lucky and found a website of a distant relative that has been tracking it on there own website for quite a few years. They have it back to the 1600's, and there is a lot of native american's in her family history. It was great to be able to send the person some more up to date information for her living family.
  15. The BMW M3 for me. I have always been a sucker for the M3
  16. Most of the small ones are Brown Dog ticks, the big ones are Deer ticks.
  17. About 4 weeks ago, I took my dog out to Blendon Wood Metro Park for a walk. She came back with 3 of them. It was close to the date for her next dose of Frontline. Haven't seen any since, but I still check daily. We had a bad problem with them the first spring after we baught our house. Seven dust seems to work well at killing them and it is safe for animals.
  18. I am sorry, but I think he deserves a nomination for the Darwin awards...LOL
  19. I don't remember all the specs, but I remember our first family computer was a 386. I can remember runing both DOS and Windows 3.1 then to Windows 3.11. I can remember having to run de-frag on the computer every time before I could play some of my DOS games on it or it would crash during the loading of the game. LOL
  20. Yeah I am on there. Still not sure if I want to load the leaked version yet. Still too many bugs. v3 did fix a lot of the problems from v2, but still holding out a bit more for the official release.
  21. Running 2.1 is a big improvement for the speed of the droid phones. I can't wait till/if it comes out for the Eris.
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