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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. Happens a lot more than most people think. Sometimes they want to go on there own time, not when the state says it is time. But I agree, I say we should have just left him to do it himself.
  2. BloodRed

    OSU Shooting

    I think the article I read on CNN said they were in the maintenance department. One guy was upset over his review and came in and shot his manager, another person and then shot himself.
  3. Now I have heard of putting the 5.9L Cummins in many different trucks, but never the 14.0L Cummins engine.
  4. I heard this on the radio this morning and was loosing it.
  5. BloodRed


    I know I will be grilling a lot this week. Glad I filled up the tank yesterday.
  6. I have to agree with you there 100%. I have owned a 93 ZJ and currently own a 01 WJ. Much better. Also if you are considering a Grand, I would check out http://www.nagca.com & for a WJ - http://www.wjjeeps.com. Great resources on information on Grands.
  7. I have a 2009 Ram 1500 Crew cab with short bed. I love the 390 hp HEMI. I get about 20 mpg on the highway and about 13 in the city.
  8. I saw a black one running around Easton around Halloween. They do look very cool.
  9. Sorry, I ment the fastest Jeep ever made until the SRT-8. But it was the fastest SUV the year it came out in 1998.
  10. I had an 93 ZJ with the 5.2L that was more expensive to insure than my 2001 WJ. Ended up being about $60 cheapr per year for me.
  11. A 59er. The 1998 Grand Cherokee with the 5.9L was the fastest SUV until the SRT-8 model came out. They have a very cult fallowing in the Jeep community, esp the Grand Cherokee guys. I don't know much about the Durango other than I liked them. Durango's are bigger (3rd row seating) and weight more, so they will probably get a little less mpg. Also the Durango is built off the Dakota, so they are known to have ball joint problems and it will ride more like a truck with the leafs in the rear.
  12. My Dad had 2 steering racks and the pump replaced once in his G6 before he finally gave up on it and traded it in year last year.
  13. So is there anyone here that still works for Verizon?
  14. That is Olympic hockey there. The Silver medal is the most unwanted medal. A team has to loose the final game to win that medal. Even for Broze, the team has to win their final game.
  15. I also highly recommend this camera. I still have mine for the video feature. It is a great P&S camera but will take some very good manual photos.
  16. It was a great game. Both teams looks like they were throwing everything they had at each other. Miller had a great game and series. It if wasn't for him, USA wouldn't have even made it to the Gold medal game. Oh and I wish it was Nash who got that game winning goal and not Crosby. But at least Canada's golden boy finally came through.
  17. I was not overly surprised to hear this. I knew it wouldn't take very long for them to close up.
  18. What engine are you reading about a hesitation issue? Never heard of problems with hesitation.
  19. BloodRed

    2000 jeep

    Which trasnfercase does it have?
  20. It sure was if you were a Canada fan. Russia just couldn't handle Canada last night. I think we are lining up for another USA vs. Canada for the Gold. And I don't know who is going to walk away with the gold.
  21. Jeep Grand Cherokee. I would just recommend staying away from the Jeep Commander
  22. 01 Jeep Grand Cherokee - installed new brake pads, rotors, and parking brake shoes. Then off to get new and bigger tires. 09 Ram - Installed a truck bed cover and waiting on CAI to show up.
  23. You would be surprised what accidents can happen to people that are in solitary...
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