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Everything posted by BloodRed

  1. Glad to hear you made it. I have had this happen to me before. Crazy drivers out there, you got to be on your toes at all times.
  2. I remember Snow. And him going to jail right after the album came out. LOL
  3. Yeah once the show is over, people pretty much bolt from the area. If you are not already in downtown, you are more than likely going to have some issues getting into downtown because of traffic. I know some roads they make one way to get people out of there.
  4. I read the story on CNN today and I was pretty shocked. I always like Benoit. He always seemed like he was the underdog. It is pretty crazy what that business seems to do to people.
  5. Nevermind, he tried the connector under the seat trick and it worked.
  6. My friend has an 04 Ford Escape and his air bag light has come on and is staying on. I think some of you guys on here are ford techs, so I figured I would give it a shot. I did find on an Escape forum that the fix is to disconnect and clean a connector that is under the drivers and passenger side seats and then reconnect. This seems to fix the problem. I also found there is a TSB on this and the number is 05-17-11, of course I can't find anywhere that acutally posts the TSB to see what Ford is saying the fix is. So any help?
  7. I remember reading about your problems with your truck before. That does really suck and I hope you get it all worked out sometime. If I remember right you had Nationwide insurance right? Don't they have that life time warranty on the work done at there "blue ribbon" shops? Will they let you take it to a different shop?
  8. Something they do at Columbus Gold
  9. I must have missed it. I didn't get home till 7:30 and I kept flipping back to the channel and they didn't seem to have it on when I was watching.
  10. LOL!!! oh this is great
  11. That Chevette reminds me of my first car, a gray 1984 Chevette. It was actually a pretty good car until I put it into a utility pole. Even though I destroyed the car, I only ended up with a broken hip and I couldn't walk for 2 months. My goal was to put a 350 in it for fun, but of course it didn't last long enough. I would be completely up for putting some big block fun into a Chevette.
  12. Yeah go to Home depot or Lowes they can help you. When it comes to paint, you want to see it in person, not on a computer screen.
  13. If it is as bad as you are making it out to be, there shouldn't be a question, go and get it fixed. Worry about paying for it later. After you get the bill, there should be something on the back about how to reduce your bill if you meet certin finanical guidelines (below poverty level). I think in this case if you have no income, it is bascially done for free and they end up billing Medicare or eating the cost. Basically all hospitals have a "insurance" to cover to costs in situations like this, so they won't be out much money if any at all.
  14. I saw the preview for it when I saw Worlds End. It looks like it will be good.
  15. Wow it looks like your TV is floating...
  16. I will try to remember to watch this.
  17. Yeah ok, I remember watching that one a while back as well. It was the best one I had ever seen.
  18. Wow, talk about it happening close to home. I take it that you didn't hear anything?
  19. BloodRed


    Hey Andrew. I own a 2003 Elantra hatchback as well. I am on the XD forum as well with the same name as I have here. Welcome. I think there are just a few other Hyundai owners on this forum.
  20. Nice tibby. I have heard of people putting turbos on them, but I have never actually seen one, same with the Elantra. I own an '03 Elantra Hatchback as well, and I am on the XD forum with Evan.
  21. Wow that does suck. I had a bird once get stuck in the bottom of my front bumper. Right in front of my trans cooler. It was bit of a bloody mess.
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